
Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Amazing Vintage Tomy House Desk Rm!

I found this amazing vintage Tomy House desk
room mib and still with its original booklet
and instructions!

It only came with the desk, chair, lamp,
and shelf. But I added a few little items
from "Girls Style" rement collection.

I love the colors of the walls, and the blue
floor is nice, but faded. Still, its an amazing
little room addition to my Living Rm set, and
lawn set. Now, I have 3 parts of the set so far...
If I can find the other rooms that would be amazing! - ggsdolls

Friday, July 9, 2010

Finally My Elfdoll Dodo is here!

Finally, I paid off my layaway and Dodo left Korea and is here with me...My very first post here in this blog was about Dodo!

I am just thrilled to have her home...more Dodo spammage later! - ggsdolls