
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trying to Keep Busy...

Today, I was inspired to create a lovely table by upcycling a vintage Germany Coffee table. This lovely Crailsheimer coffee table is very modern and cute, but I have 3 now...So, I wanted to create one similar to this one seen here in a flickr friend's stream. I've seen one with black, yellow and blue somewhere but can't seem to find it.

It turned out amazing above. I wanted to cut the legs shorter, so its not so high, and then, I wanted to have an interesting print tile on top. At first, I wanted it in brown, but after printing out the colors, it wasn't as I thought it would look like. Still, this one turned out amazing. I used mod podge, and tacky glue.

I placed it in the second Crailsheimer Living Room Set and it turned out lovely. I added, some beads as vases, and this cute little baby toy had to make it into the photo too! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Slowly Opening My Mail...

It's been trying these days...Since arriving home, I've had a stack of boxes from the PO that have yet to be opened up! So, I finally had the gumption to do it today. Here are a few items I received in the mail...Above some YJA items to be added to the shop later...

I also received my long anticipated German Crailsheimer Living Room Set #2! This one has similar chairs to my first set but with a dark blue one, and the shelves are quite different from the first set and this one came with a bunch of extras too!

Also, this lovely almost lost Crailsheimer Kitchen set. It came with a lot of plastic items and the whole lot was sold to me for just under $6, but it took a whole month and a half to get to me-_-; I thought it had been lost in the mail for sure. But when I got home it was one of the boxes I received. I just need to do some TLC and clean up a bit more and the set will look amazing! Only thing missing is the Stove!
Below, I also won this lovely Hafner and Krullman vintage bed, and nite stands. I just love the color and style! Thanks for reading... - ggsdolls

Monday, May 23, 2011

Back at home...

Back on Guam, and trying to get back into the swing of things. Before leaving WA, I was able to order and receive these delicious gourmet caramel apples from Sinfully Sweet Apple Co. in CA. They don't ship to Guam so I figured we'd try some and they were amazing.

My father decided to continue to live with my oldest brother, and my sister is pretty much settle in and just awaiting for her husband and daughter to come out so that the move is final. My two younger brothers are also with my Dad a bit longer, which makes me feel so much better, cause at least they are all with him to keep him busy and moving. I notice that my Dad is much more relieved these days knowing his wife is at peace. Because for so long he had been my Mother's caregiver, and he was one to pay more attention to my mother's health than his own. And recently we had gotten worried that he wasn't taking care of himself, but my eldest brother will make sure he gets himself checked healthwise.

I miss many of my daily rituals, but its hard knowing I can't physically see my Mom. But life goes on and so must I. Glad to be home... - ggsdolls

Friday, May 6, 2011

Rest in Peace, Mom...

Rita C. Flores
May 31, 1942 thru May 5, 2011

Today, my loving mother passed away. She had gone thru so much. She finally went to sleep peacefully. I will miss her dearly. It's never easy to lose any one we love, but she was my life...

- ggsdolls

(updated) When I arrived in WA, my brothers arrived the following day and we had to meet with the Head Doctor, who told us we had two options, either we keep Mom hanging on using the machines that were helping her live, or take her off the machines, and keep her on pain killers to allow her to go when she was ready... It was truly hard, but we chose what we felt she would've wanted...that choice sometimes haunts me still, because of the what if's... But I don't regret our choice at all...