
Friday, September 30, 2016

Two Bunnies are Better Than One...

Believe it or not? I found another vintage ceramic bunny, whilst, searching for other vintage goods!

 It was on an online shop in Japan. I was able to have my friend purchase it, and here it is...
 The one on the left is the new bunny, and the one on the right, from my trade.
 There are always differences in production. New bunny is slightly more tilted towards the right, and her face is a bit more yellowed from age, than my trade bunny.
 They are twins, so cute and sweet! A great addition.

Then, I did some shopping via Goody Store and found a few more fabrics, in prints I've been looking for, and the LED Star light I shared via Instagram.
 I also found these cute floral tins there. Below, I've added some cute stickers and paint to them.

 The lids are cute, with these faux diamond top, which are actually cabinet knobs?! What! LOL

Cute tins for sure!

Thanks for Looking! ~ ggsdolls

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Fun with My Bunnies!

It's been busy here. I am still working on the new guest studio, so that we could get it up and running. The plan was to open by the end of September, but it is not looking that way. Ugh. I'll be posting a bit less on my blog, until I am able to get the guest studio done...

So, a few items arrived last week and just the other day!
 This lovely Inarco ceramic girl head, I found through etsy. I've always wanted to get one, but in a different color. Though she is not as popular as other ceramics, she is still quite a cutie to have. I've seen two sizes, this is the smaller one.
 I got these 3D puzzles just the other day, one of Calcifer from "Howl's Moving Castle" and The Robot Soldier from "Castle in the Sky", both from Studio Ghibli.

 The puzzles are really fun to put together, but some tiny pieces!

 I got this pin over the weekend, from PIN CLUB. I like this one, so cute too!

Then, I took some photos of my bunny ceramics, toys, etc.

I hope everyone is having a great week?!

Many hugs and much love, ggsdolls

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

New Designs on Society6 and POAM!

I've been really busy the past few days... We are working on a studio guest apartment for AirBnb and getting it ready to start making income, along with some other projects, like this one below!!

I took my vintage ceramic bunny and did a quick photo shoot! Here's the results...

 On Society6 you can find my cute products here!
 A clock, you can also choose the outside design color, in natural, black or white!
 A cell phone case...
 Throw pillow...
 In this design, for a T-shirt!
 Clock, throw pillow...
 Tote too!

And on POAM here, you can find these two unique items!

I'm so very excited about these items... I hope you buy em'!

Thank you so much for viewing! ~ ggsdolls

Thursday, September 15, 2016

When Damaged Goods Arrive...

I was so proud of myself for finding this cute vintage silver ceramic Bunny money bank through an online shop, in Japan. I've seen these cute bunny banks sold through Milbee's Online shop here. I was very close to buying one, but someone else had bought the item before I could. So, my next best choice was to buy the other one I found... Fast forward to today.

Sadly, when my friend sent the item to me, the seller she ordered it from for me, didn't pack the ceramic carefully. Yes, yet another disappointment of an item arriving damaged. I am definitely learning that collecting vintage ceramics is often a hit or miss, especially, if the item gets damaged during transit. I'm finding that is not necessarily at fault, but those airlines that handle the cargo after it leaves the hands of the mail companies, who do know how important items are to their customers!! Ugh. Probably why, I need to stick to buying plastic or vinyl items... Note to self. Ha.

Anywho, I was able to salvage this damaged item. Yay me!

 She was in pieces. Mostly, the damage was from the neck up. I wasn't sure if I could put her back together, at first?! I started with the neck area and worked my way up. gluing small sections at a time.

I worked on her for 3 days or so... When I completed her, sadly, the last section (The top head part with ears) I had to glue on was a bit off from where some sections were already glued to. Darn. There was only one very tiny piece that was missing in the neck area, which probably caused it to be off. So, I managed to replace it with putty.
 She is a silver version of the same bunny. I figured when I got her I could either flock her or paint her... Her facepaint was worn off from age, with just a bit of her original eyes still there.
 The back side you can see is a bit off.
 I painted her first, using Milbee's bunny pics, I was able to recreate her eyes, minus the eyelashes and eyebrows. I repainted her dress, cheeks and ears. Then, I added a red bow. I decided not to do flocking. Though that would look good on her as well.
 You can still see where the opening for the money is a bit off, and the cracks from the damage.
 Here's a photo of before and after... Not too bad right? LOL

Also, I worked on this cutie too! I reflocked him in areas where he had permanent marker ink on him. Also in areas that was missing flocking.

 Finished product! Good as new!

A comparison photo, so you can see the permanent marker ink. Also, at the top right ear, where there was a chip. I'm proud of myself for trying. Now, these cuties can still be around to love!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

A Holy Grail for Collectors in France!

Today's mail day was a surprise! I have been searching since seeing this kitsch item earlier this year... on Pinterest. I've actually seen it a few times before. This vintage kitsch ceramic item is actually a bunny or rabbit head string holder! Yup, I kid you not. This cute ceramic string holder is so popular even in France, that if you find one, you might want to hold onto it. As so many collectors, like myself, here in the States and everywhere else, want one!

Considered the Holy Grail for vintage ceramic collectors in France. You can't resist wanting one for yourself! I tried searching under "String Holder" and you will get maybe one or two showing up, but mostly a cat string holder by Holt Howard. So, because I was searching in the wrong places, I never found one. Except back in May, when a seller put one up on ebay. It went for around $60, and I wasn't the winner, bummer. So, I searched through IG, and tried the hashtag in French, and Boom! There were many photos tagged. So many people who found theirs at flea markets or vintage shops... But, sadly, none were for sale. Until, recently. Luckily, the seller decided to use ebay and had an auction, instead of a "Buy it Now". Whew.

I of course wasn't able to bid, being outside France... So, luckily, a sweet dear friend, was able to do it for me. She won it! So much more cheaper than the one I had lost, Yay! But, that would be made up with s/h all the way to Guam... not stressed, as it was so worth it!! And it was... It arrived to me in less then 10 days and all the way from France too?! Yippee.

 Cute note from seller perhaps? Hehe.
 The amazing string holder, not sure the name of the maker, but we all love the bunny's big eyes and cute face. It reminds us of many of the vintage ceramics from Japan!
 There is a hole at the side for you to place scissors into. The roll of string can be placed inside at the back, and then you can hang the bunny up on a wall, as the string line comes out of the mouth.
 Just a dream come true for me as a collector. Thanks again my dear sweet friend in France! You have made my year and then some! I'm gonna put this baby on my dresser, so I can see it when I wake up! Teehee...

I also received from Yahoo Japan, these cute items...
 Vintage ceramic Japan deer couple in gold. Since I can't find one of the polka dotted one's this cute couple will do.
 ...and they were featured in Ayumi Uyama's book about Kawaii Deers and Pandas!

I also Binned this cute vintage deer and bunny fabric. I need to get some pom pom tassels and make some pillows!

Thank you so much for reading! ~ ggsdolls