
Friday, December 31, 2021

The New Year is Coming...

 It has been an amazing year my dear friends! Filled with ups and downs and well mostly ups. So I wish you all a very blessed upcoming New Year and the hopes that we all have a good one, with good health, and good fortune!

Okay, on to what I wanted to share with you...

In early December, I received this huge ginormous vintage Rushton Papa bear from a fellow collector in Japan, who sent him directly to me from the seller in the States. She wanted me to restore BOB, her nickname for him. I was excited to see him. Because he was listed via Ebay and for a lot of money, but ended in whatever her offer was for him. So, honestly, I was planning on adopting him myself, but of course in the end we decided not too. Still it was nice to be able to have him with me and experience what it might be like to own him. He arrived quickly to me and I began to give him a spa while waiting for all the materials to come in that would make him the way this collector wanted him to be...

When he arrived on the left and right after work has been done...

Okay, when I started on Bob, he needed a good wash. I removed all his stuffing, which was pretty decent and no smells too. Washed him and laid him out to dry. He dried in about 2 days. Then, I began restuffing him. The first attempt, he was a bit skinny and I didn't notice it until I had began sewing his shoes. I had to wait for the felt fabric for his shoes, vest and coat to come in to begin anything. So Bob sat for 2 weeks. When the fabric came in, I had gotten a color for the jacket as close to the original jacket. But the collector wanted the jacket to be more of a mustard color or yellow. So, I had to order felt fabric in that color. While waiting for that, I had gotten the buttons to his vest and jacket also. After all the items to help restore him came in, I just simply used the original items as a pattern for the new jacket, vest and shoes.

By Friday just before Christmas day, I was done or so I thought. I sent photos and the collector, had some preferred changes in Bob's outcome. Oh my, I must admit I felt like I had done something wrong and not worthy of completing the commission. But, I listened and here is what I needed to change... 

One, he was still skinny and not chubby like the original. Two, his nose and hair was too dark. Three, his appliques for the shoes were a bit larger, and didn't quite look like the original. Four, his cheeks weren't pink enough, and I had put only 4 buttons on his vest instead of five. But in my mind it was because, there was only four to begin with. LOL I couldn't use the original buttons, because I couldn't take them off the original vest and jacket with out ruining them. The large button on the jacket were snap buttons and they are locked into the fabric, and the small buttons on the vest, had one missing and they had prongs on the other side to lock them onto the felt. If I pried them off, they may not be usable on the 2nd try. Ugh, the challenge!! Haha!

Mind you, it might have been someone else's Papa bear that she was going by. Which was fine and I completely understood why she wanted him that way. I found that I am the same, when we first see the vintage plush we fall in love with, we want them that way, because that is the one we fell in love with first. And for me, to create something she wanted, and the way she had wanted it, was a challenge I will admit. But definitely, this experience had become one that I needed to learn from. So, thank you to Alicemarket on IG for helping me to realize that challenges can be a good thing, and helpful in the long run. For myself, it was to realize what I could and couldn't do, no matter how one may try. Lesson learned.

In the end, Bob's jacket was a bit too yellow, but we had gone through 2 tries already. So I think she decided to just keep it that way. I did go back and lightened his nose and hair, and I found how to do that without using acrylic paints solely. Yay!! I learned something new!! Thank you challenges! Added more pink blush to Bob, and tried my best to add more stuffing too. It was pretty hard to do. You see, Bob was stuffed with all of his own stuffing, but he didn't look chubby. I had to massage the stuffing around his face more and head, I had to unsew one shoe to take out all the stuffing and restuff again and add more stuffing to his body. If I took a pic of him sideways you could see he was chubby, but because of the way I had massaged the stuffing into him as you see him from in front, he looked like he was still a bit skinny. LOL I couldn't add any more stuffing, mainly because his seams would start to rip, and I didn't want that.

Interesting how fabric can sort of handle some stress, but then not at all. In the end, Bob was done and I shipping him to his Mommy just yesterday. It was a great experience and definitely one I have learned from. Bob stood about 26 inches tall, and weighed about 8lbs. I added cardboard to the underside of his shoes to help him have more stability, while standing. His black tie is original to him. All the buttons and buckles matched as closely to his original ones and I also gave Alice back his original clothing as well. He will definitely be a great addition to her growing Rushton collection!!

 Whew! Is all I can say! Adios Bob! Enjoy being loved for another 50 years or so!!

 Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

Friday, December 24, 2021

Christmas Eve...


Here's hoping your Christmas wishes come true... It's Christmas Eve here on Guam and time sure feels like it is just simply flying by.

Some adorable Kiichi Tsutaya anime paper doll girl accessories. These are Gatchas available recently in either 2 bento bags, 2 tissue box covers or 2 wash cloths. All are already listed in my shop! Be sure to check it out if you want to get yourself one! Below, I bought 2 adorable Venice Margaret "Dream" Can cans. One to open and inside, there are random goodies any gal would love. When I opened one, it was like opening a time capsule. Inside this one, was a bracelet, a pick comb, tissue, lipstick, and 2 hair clips. the pink ring, I thought was a bracelet, but instead it's a plastic ring to cover the rim of the can when you open it and you can use the can to hold your make up brushes or pencils and pens. Too cute! I've always seen the can opened already and just sold as a can. But to see the unopened product was really nice too!

I found this adorable light brown Red Star Humpty Santa and he's in perfect condition too. He's already listed in my shop! I also received via seamail this vintage Rushton Saint Patrick plush I believe? I figured he was because of his lucky hat and obvious green fashion. I don't collection Rushton humans, but this one a friend will adopt from me soon.

This adorable unopened baby squeak toy, I got as a commission for a customer. It's rare I am told and just glad I was able to make someone's Christmas dream come true! It's already on it's way to him. I also found these lovely vintage chenille dollies made in Japan. They are in wonderful condition too! I may add them to my shop soon!

Last, this adorable Gund Bumble bee plushy, he just needed his ears replaced. He may also end up in my shop as well. He arrived just in time for Christmas here...

I hope you all have a great one, no matter what may be going on. Just try to remember the real reason for Christmas... The kindness of giving to others is what matters.

Thank you for visiting! ~ ggsdolls

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Feeling The Christmas Spirit...

 The holidays are here!! My how time flies. It has been a busy, and hopefully better for all. Here's what I've been up too...

I have been wanting to find a Rushton Pink Santa since about May this year. A pink Santa can be just as pricey as the other Rushton cuties sadly. So, I tried asking a seller, who had one up for auction, but they wouldn't budge on the price. I tried bidding on two that I found, but they ended high. So, I told myself, its okay. I will eventually find one, someday. Then, low and behold while doing my usual searches. One listed just before bedtime. I had to think fast if I was going to get him or not? This lovely Rushton Santa in pink is one of the rarest according to the seller's description. Why you ask? Because, he holds a Coke soda bottle! Yes, there are many Santa's with the very same soda bottle. But, not a pink Santa holding one, and it's true. I have not seen another. I wasn't really going to get one with a soda in hand, but this one had a really nice price. It was a fellow collector's Pink Santa and she was selling him because she felt it was time to let him be enjoyed by someone else. Of course, I was thrilled to see that no one had snatched him up. 

The description stated that the Pink Santa's by Rushton were only for Store displays from 1950s to 1960s, and rarer are the one's holding a Coke soda bottle. These were not available for purchase in stores, only as store displays. So, that part, decidedly made me click buy. The things I noticed on him, that had to be done, was a good cleaning, he was missing part of his coat, and his belt. I told myself, I am sure I could fix that and he'd be wonderful again...
When Santa arrived, he was wrapped in lovely pink tissue paper and packed so nicely. I almost didn't want to open the package. Inside, a sweet note from the original owner. After looking him over, I found that I just needed to wipe him down, and touch up his face paint along with what I had already knew he'd needing done. I was trying to decide how to fix the part of his missing coat and belt. After his wipe down, I realized that the half that was part of his coat was simply placed around his neck, like a cape. I was so happy to see that it wasn't missing after all, and that it was just placed somewhere else on him! Yay! I had gotten some vinyl fabric rolls at the Goody store in pearl white and thought that it would be perfect for his belt loop! Also, to my surprise, I had a gold belt bucket saved from a vintage doll fashion set meant for dolly sewing. Yippee I was so happy I had saved it all these years too! Now, it came in handy. Haha!
I touched up his face paint and I also had to add a bit of plastic glue to fill in the missing rubber from his hair at the top. In one afternoon, Santa was presentable!! He is missing his tag, but does have the Rushton Co. stamp on his boots. He turned out lovely and I was very pleased with the results. Now, he is ready to enjoy the holidays with me! Yay! The Coke soda bottle has liquid in it and looks like a real tiny soda bottle! It is definitely special!

Then, of course some vintage finds that have come and have already sold in my Etsy shop. I found a Lot of school supplies. Most are already listed in my shop and some have sold. So visit soon to see what's left! A unique Ado Mizumori ashtray of a ceramic girl sitting on a toilet. She is listed in my shop and great for your kitsch decor. I won this tan pose doll lady with hat. She is quite unique and also in my shop as well.

Next, this adorable person of color boy Oni or demon baby. I added some fur to him and now, he's similar to those adorable Japan ceramic furry dogs and cats. He's a huge figurine too and would be great on your dresser or desk! I also found another Chocoholic placemat. this time in pink with Koi fish on it, and it came with a coaster too! Just unique and cute too!

I also found these adorable big headed shakers kids. I love their colors of course! I was able to help a friend, find his dream plushies. So that felt nice too! This adorable Pouty blue baby just needed a good washing and touch up on his cheeks. He will live with me for a bit.

These amazing Flossie dolls, I acquired from a friend in Japan! She was selling a few goodies in her collection. I have been on the hunt for these for a few years now. So to be able to snag them was awesome!! Sadly, they don't talk when you pull the string. But, that's okay. Another Furry cutie that I found below and I also listed in my shop. It sold a few days later. She was in amazing condition too!

Update on the Rushton boy bun, I was able to get some matching felt and redid his feet. Now, he is ready to be adopted! Last, item is this lovely long legged zebra figurine, I found earlier this month. I know of a few collectors who have him as an ISO. So glad he will be adopted by a good friend too! He is perfect for the holidays!
Wishing you all a Happy Holidays and I hope you enjoy what the Christmas spirit has to bring!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls