
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Amazing Multi-Colored Pencil Japan!

Above is an ad of a great color pencil all in one, made in Japan around the 1960's or 70's! When I was little, about 7, in 1979, my family took a trip to the states and we went to Sea World. We shopped at the gift shops they had there and my sister got this very same pencil and she gave it to me as a teen...I've kept it all these years!

Finding the ad above just made me want to find the pencil and sure enough I found it and took pics above and below. It had the Sea World logo...

If you place the pencil sideways you can see the various rainbow colors...

You just take out the color lead, and pop it into the next color choice when it comes out on the other end you just take it out and place it into the main holding area at the tip! How cool and ingenious is that! I just had to share this incredible keepsake!! - ggsdolls

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