
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

DDR Bathroom Set/ Partial Kitchen Extras arrive...

Today, in the mail, I received some Crailsheimer kitchen extras that I found via ebay. From the same seller I also won this lovely DDR vero bathroom set. Now, I have sets to fill a 4 room house if I ever needed too!

The bathroom set included the sink, toilet, and tub. Unfortunately, the tub was missing both knobs, so I just replaced them with silver beads. I am also missing the mirror cabinet...I will just have to settle for a mirror. Cause it's almost impossible to find-_-;

The kitchen extras was actually just a corner nook with a yellow table and one extra chair, as seen below.

The corner nook, is quite large inside this house, but the table and chair go really well with the set I already have. Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, June 27, 2011

Vero Living room/Kitchen Updated...

I received in the mail, some long awaited extras for the bungalow! Over the weekend I got the blue chaise, and today in the mail came the Lundby wall frames, and Mini Modernistas throw pillows, that I bought a few weeks back. Yes, I bought more of them. I love the sizing and the cute styles they have on the site too! Probably will get more when I have the funds! Finally, this Vero room is looking more like the room I wanted it to be!

The other side of the living room. I decided to try using sculpey to help put up portraits and other things, I can only hope it doesn't leave an oily spot like the clay tack does-_-;

Then, I also wanted to show off the kitchen side so far...I'm still awaiting a stove, and finding just the right fridge is harder than I thought. Still the kitchen area is lovely. I'm just enjoying every moment I get to fix and rearrange the Vero! - ggsdolls

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rare Dancing Doll Musical Wine Glass from Japan!

In early 2009, I found this amazing music box/toy on YJA. It was truly a unique music toy because it had two dancers inside a wine glass surrounded by beautiful plastic flowers. I tried to bid on it to win it, but someone else wanted it just as bad as I did and won-_-; I was devastated. I searched and searched for another since then. The closest I found to this unique Japan souvenir was a pet fish inside of a wine glass, as seen here on my flickr stream.

But then, a miracle happened, just when I had given up and really stopped searching YJA for anything to buy these days...I started to glance thru YJA and via ayumi uyama searches I found it again! A very similar music toy. The only difference I found was that the flower decoration around the dancers were roses and not daisies as in the earlier one! I was so surprised, I told myself it was a long shot and I started to bid... sure enough it ended and I was the winner! What was even better is that it ended at a really cheap price as compared to the first time I found it! The first one went for almost over $150 dollars, eek!! My mother must be watching over me that day^_~ Because mine was way less than that! When I received it in the mail today, I couldn't wait to see it when I got home! Just as nice as the first one, and this one had its original box! On the cover, it shows another style of musical toy, just flowers...hmmm. Nice too!

The dancers are so cute and tiny, and the plastic flowers surrounding them too! When I turn the base just like the fish toy, it rotates back and plays "Swanlake". How cute is that? Here you can see what the fish does on my flickr stream!

Above shows both wine glass toys side by side. The dancers are in a smaller wine glass and has a plastic top opening, the fish toy one you can twist off the cover. Both are truly unique and amazing all together!

I can't help but have some slight memory of these souvenirs...not sure where or when I saw them from before seeing the one I found back in 2009...but as my husband told me once, he thinks I must have been Japanese in another life...and maybe I was?? - ggsdolls

Friday, June 24, 2011

I'm In the Patio!

As my youngest child takes a napsy...I decided to play with my camera a bit and the Vero house... As a child I used to love sitting beside my tiny dollhouse(and I mean lego houses) and imagined the inhabitants inside moving around, doing their daily things, but actually alive...I must admit a bit of me still looks into this particular dollhouse and imagines almost the same things, but only difference is that I look at the house and want to rearrange it and then take pics of what my eyes see! Anyways, enjoy...LOL! - ggsdolls

Thursday, June 23, 2011

More Vero Fun!

Today, I couldn't decide how or what I wanted to do with the rooms inside?! So, for the past two days, its been changing as the day continued. I started off with a bedroom and a living room, but now, there's a kitchen and a living room...LOL!

So, far this room just gets rearranged several times! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fixing up the Vero...

I decided, the first thing I wanted to do was make curtains or buy some...while searching online late Yesterday, So, instead the Vero had no furniture placed inside and it actually sat empty last nite! But just before going to bed I found a few sites that show how to do this just using paper, teriyaki sticks, and beads! Here and Here were my examples to use. Empty Vero above, just admiring the clean newness of it all!

Back to the drapes: T&J's site gave me the idea for using the beads and the teriyaki sticks, and the other gave me the idea to print out and fold the paper into curtains! Using both I was able to come up with these two styles below!

While I was waiting for the beads to dry, I printed out two styles and was deciding on which one I wanted to use... I decided on this one below, and the nice thing about it is that I am able to pull out and put back in the teriyaki stick and change out the print when I want!

Then, I also received my patio chairs and started dressing up the backyard a bit! The table is by Lundby and the chairs, I am assuming are made in Germany? I've always wanted a relaxing yard like this! The spiral trees I bought from Mary's Miniatures. I've always wanted to find these style of trees or topiary one's. They just go beautifully with the backyard here!

The rocks are actually glued on styrofoam, too wild! The potted tree was original to the house.
I am just loving this house more and more...

I have a few more garden treatments I am waiting for, so this yard will look different again later... - ggsdolls

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dollhouse #2 made by Vero (DDR) Germany Arrives! What a Surprise too!

I have been wanting a Vero house for some time now...especially since finding out about vintage dollhouses from Germany! When I left stateside, I had won another Moritz Gottschalk two-story house via ebay and decided that if I ever found a Vero I would either sell the two-story house or give it to my daughter who's been eye-balling my dollhouse's since I got one back in April.

So, sure enough a Vero showed up on ebay, but only a bungalow style house. Still I couldn't resist and I decided to bid on it, and won the lovely MIB house. So, as promised I told my daughter she could have the two-story Gottschalk house and I would get the Vero...We've been awaiting the arrival of the two-story house for some time now-_-; and can you believe it?! What showed up at the PO was not the two-story house, but the Vero bungalow!! She of course was sad, and so was I, but was happy that my very much anticipated Vero dollhouse arrived, and so quickly too! I was tracking both homes via USPS and mine went west coast stateside, where as the two-story ended up east coast and taking the long route like my first dollhouse-_-; Still, we had fun working on the Vero today and putting it together too!

First, a bit of information on Vero...another flickr friend on her blog talks about the Vero dollhouses from Germany here! There are many versions as shown on her blog. This one is a version I have! But Rebecca's Vero's wallpaper is different from mine. Still its amazing to find a Vero which is very popular by the way and hard to find. I would still love to find myself a two-story 4 bedroom verison like Annina's here, maybe? LOL!

My daughters and I put the house together and now, all I have to do is put all the furniture in! Oh, a whole day of fun continues tomorrow!

Front cover of the box at the top, and instructions glued to the underside.

Above the parts to the house, nicely protected by sheets of brown paper and tissue paper. Below, is the parts to the house laid out.

The finished bungalow above. It took us about 2 hours. The box had all the nuts, bolts, and washers along with the tool to tighten them with. But I truly had a hard time with the roof mostly. First, I had placed the side walls in the wrong way, redid them, then the roof wouldn't go on in the middle area-_-; Some of the flooring started to buckle a bit. Still after all the hard work, it was amazing to see the finished house! It also came with a potted plant, and a row of flower/plants that is supposed to be placed just under the awning area. Nice and minty too, just not photographed yet!

Next, putting in furniture etc.! Can't wait! - ggsdolls

Adding a few minor touches to my kitchen...

Today, I received 4 small boxes in the mail. Of course my middle child was thrilled for me and couldn't wait for me to open all the boxes. Both her and I watched as each one was opened to reveal many tiny little additions to my kitchen. A few rement items and some dollhouse miniatures I found via ebay and online! It was amazing, now my kitchen sink is looking more like a sink I remember my Mom having back in the day! Rement is awesome I must say! All the tiny treasures and extras sure do give a dollhouse the look of a home from memory! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Play Ballet Galoob Doll Two...

When I first returned back to Guam, I tried to get back into searching for items thru ebay, YJA, etc. and I came across from my usual search on ebay, another lovely Play Ballet ballerina doll from Galoob! This is I think a version I also did not own back in the early Nineties, but I decided to bid on her anyways, and of course won with absolutely no other bidders! She finally arrived safely to me today all the way from UK! She will be added to my PB collection...

Her name is "Catrina" wearing a pink and purple tutu. Her hair in braids. She came with her original box, connector, and comb. Missing her booklet/instructions. Below is my other PB ballerina, Danielle. I've never owned her version and I very glad to have them both now!
- ggsdolls

Monday, June 13, 2011

Lovely Bodo Hennig Glass Vase!

I just received this lovely Bodo Hennig glass vase made in Germany. I love the style and colors, it's so tiny and unique I couldn't resist getting one, and it was available just here in the States too! Beautiful long vase is a welcome addition to my little bungalow! More fun with it later I am sure! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's the Little Things that make a Difference!

I have been looking out for kitchen items and other little extra things here and there to add to my Bungalow. I found this amazing site that has many of the same items I've seen on ebay and for a lot cheaper! So here are some pics of the extras I received in the mail today to make the dollhouse more homey!! I ordered from MiniModernistas these lovely matching throw pillows in Japanese print, and modern carpet in above photo. Along with the books and magazines from an online dollhouse shop!

The Kitchen got a different look today, with the added area rug from etsy, Fruit bowl with fruit, milk jug and full glass, bowl with wisk, and also this cute new rolypoly doll by rement a bit larger than the tiny one!

Roly poly's on the loose...

Looking thru the window and you can see the dish soap, little dish rack I found on ebay, and dishes!

I redid the front door and added an adaptable Tudor Pane. It looks so much more elegant now and not just a see thru hole! I added the red daisies, and trellis with crawling vines(not shown)! All from this amazing dollhouse shop online! - ggsdolls