
Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rare Dancing Doll Musical Wine Glass from Japan!

In early 2009, I found this amazing music box/toy on YJA. It was truly a unique music toy because it had two dancers inside a wine glass surrounded by beautiful plastic flowers. I tried to bid on it to win it, but someone else wanted it just as bad as I did and won-_-; I was devastated. I searched and searched for another since then. The closest I found to this unique Japan souvenir was a pet fish inside of a wine glass, as seen here on my flickr stream.

But then, a miracle happened, just when I had given up and really stopped searching YJA for anything to buy these days...I started to glance thru YJA and via ayumi uyama searches I found it again! A very similar music toy. The only difference I found was that the flower decoration around the dancers were roses and not daisies as in the earlier one! I was so surprised, I told myself it was a long shot and I started to bid... sure enough it ended and I was the winner! What was even better is that it ended at a really cheap price as compared to the first time I found it! The first one went for almost over $150 dollars, eek!! My mother must be watching over me that day^_~ Because mine was way less than that! When I received it in the mail today, I couldn't wait to see it when I got home! Just as nice as the first one, and this one had its original box! On the cover, it shows another style of musical toy, just flowers...hmmm. Nice too!

The dancers are so cute and tiny, and the plastic flowers surrounding them too! When I turn the base just like the fish toy, it rotates back and plays "Swanlake". How cute is that? Here you can see what the fish does on my flickr stream!

Above shows both wine glass toys side by side. The dancers are in a smaller wine glass and has a plastic top opening, the fish toy one you can twist off the cover. Both are truly unique and amazing all together!

I can't help but have some slight memory of these souvenirs...not sure where or when I saw them from before seeing the one I found back in 2009...but as my husband told me once, he thinks I must have been Japanese in another life...and maybe I was?? - ggsdolls


  1. gigi your so amazing XD i wish i would someday be a great collector like you!

    1. Aww, thank you dear. Trust me you can. It is a labor of love. Many hugs from Guam, Gigi
