
Friday, December 30, 2011

Some Items Arrive...

I actually won these items a week before Christmas and was hoping they'd make it before, but didn't. Still they are lovely and cute and will be added to my collection!

I was able to find this lovely airline's child bag/purse or pencilcase. I've seen other airline company names, but most were quite expensive to get. I was lucky to get this one for a lot less then that. I must admit, I am tempted to find more...

This one has its original string straps. Underneath the wings are the engines where you can place pencils. There are wheels underneath the plane as well. A lovely piece of vintage airline memorabilia!

Then, I couldn't help but get this little guy. I actually found others on etsy, but won this one via ebay for a lot less. I love his chubby cheeks and he'll be a great addition to my vintage Christmas tree and decor for next year's Christmas! - ggsdolls


  1. Oh god, I LOVE the airplane bag, so cool, have to find one :)

    Also like the dwarfs face!

  2. MG, Thanks dear! Isn't it the coolest! hugs, gg

  3. My sister fell in LOVE with it, can you tell me where do you bought it?
    Will try to find one for her :)
