
Friday, February 24, 2012

More Squeakies Arrive...

Yup, I just got bitten by the squeaky toy bug! LOL, I found these two cuties via etsy shop. I've always admired the yellow kitty for some time, but when I saw this amazingly cute chubby dear, I just couldn't pass up the chance to own both of em'! So, i ordered them in early February and they arrived 2 weeks later to me, today!

Oh joy, rapture, piccie time!

The sweet squeaky kitty on the left. Love that he is yellow and those eyes and mouth are just too adorable! Then, my sweet chubby dear on the right! At first, I thought maybe he looked weird and more like a giraffe then a deer, but I like the explanation of the seller..."Isn't that a pretty bambi-like deer I got right here? Well drawn eyes and with the dots on its forehead and the peaceful smile gives me a quite monk-like impression." Monk-like...hmmm, well... okay. I love her eyelashes and the way her eyes are painted on. Both squeak nicely and were a bit dirty when they arrived, but still in lovely bright condition.

I was inspired by this kitty to do a shot like this! It's like he's saying, "Oh oh, I didn't do it!" LOL. Just love these cuties.

Thanks for reading. - ggsdolls

PS I had to take some outdoor shots as well. Just so you can see the actual colors of these squeakies...

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