
Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Something I wanted to try...

Doing my usual searching and viewing flickr friends streams or latest pics and a dear friend paperdolly had these cute vintage plastic suitcases I just fell in love with! I realized that she had probably printed out and created these amazing sticker decorations on the suitcases! So, to try out what she had done, I created my own vintage shoujo anime versions on the same type of vintage suitcases I had in my collection!

The stickers on the cases are actually 2003 Macoto stickers I had acquired back in 2008!
The stickers are small and fit nicely on the suitcases. Sadly, I wish I could get more stickers-_-; They have been discontinued since back then... I had 3 sheets and have used up some here and there.

Still they turned out nicely and I can use them with my Doran doran dolls or just about any doll! I actually had the cases holding tiny clothes and shoes for the tiny kewpie doll I got recently.

Thanks for reading and I'd love to hear what you think of em'? - ggsdolls


  1. Aww... these suitcases are too cute with Macoto stickers!

    1. Janet, thanks dear! Yup, I now have a use for em'! Hugs, gg

  2. These suitcases are so cute. <3 I don't know why but they kinda remind me of.. chewing gum! o_O I vaguely remember the strangest chewing gum cases back when I was a kid, like dolly bags like the ones you have, or even... LP covers (yeap, the tiny cover was made of cardboard and the LP itself was chewing gum!).

    1. Oh, goodness I remember those too! I love that gum as well! Thanks dear I was hoping u liked these bags too! I hope to make more later on!? Hugs, gg

    2. Gaaah you remember them too?? :-O Oh gosh, I so wish I could find a mere *pic* of them somehow! The one I remember (but didn't keep :-( ) was from an ABBA LP.
      Glad to see these bags are getting popular among fans! ^^

    3. Yup...LOL! Me too dear, me too^_~ hugs, gg
