
Sunday, September 9, 2012

We Finally Finish Ponyo's House!!

"Ponyo" house took us a lot longer than before, only because, we took breaks, and some days we didn't want to even try...Yup. This kit was just as hard as Kiki's hse, but this one also had more tiny things to put together. Luckily, my middle child was good at putting them together. She has better eyes that's for sure!! But we had fun and took our time and now, we are happy it's all done...whew!!
We had to put the brick stairsway piece by piece. The tiny mail box and light at the gate was hard, but Taby did it without any problems O.o! I'll admit I am good at cutting, and glueing the larger pieces and cutting glass windows, but she did most if not all the rest!
We enjoyed putting together the little green bucket on the gate too! The tree did not have a base to glue, so I improvised and made a tree using the left over paper cut outs! It turned out really nice too! I must say, this was the best one to work on with my girls!! I know now, not to try to do it all by myself! LOL!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. This is adorable! Well done on your skill and patience! I love looking at the photos. Great job!

    1. Thank you Hannah so much! We truly appreciate your lovely thoughts dear! hugs, gg

  2. Wow this looks fantastic! I just got this for christmas, do you know anywhere that might have instructions in english? I'm having a bit of trouble

    1. HI and thanks! No, sorry we just had to keep looking at the diagram to figure out what to do. hugs, gg

  3. Ahhh that's okay, I have a fair bit of it done, it's just the damn flocking tricking me up D:

    1. My daughter had to help me. It was easier for her little hands to take apart some pieces...thank goodness she could! hugs, gg
