
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Gift from a Dear Friend!!

Since buying the picco Neemo bods. I have been trying to find a head that would work with the size D bods. Most would rather use the larger head to make the body size equal out. I didn't I used an even smaller doll head. My Yumi looks okay, but her large hands and feet make her look a bit off. So, a dear friend of mine from flickr offered her cute obitsu head to me...and I could not resist!

She arrived to me today and I immediately tried her out on the white D bod that I also got! Luckily too, because the normal skin does not match white skin of the head!!

A cute box arrived with cute note and an extra gift. Linda even gave me cat ears to go with this cute head! You are too kind dearest Linda!! Thank ever so much!!

I had to modify the neck a bit to hold the head in place. Still she is cute and so perfect!! Lovely color matching as well. I will try to take an outside shot soon, so you can see the skin coloring without the yellow light-_-;

 Both Picco Neemo bods D white skin/ normal skin. Yumi still cute, but with an obitsu head like the cutie next to her from Linda, even better!! I think I will name her Lyn!!

Such a cutie. I love her pink hair, her anime eyes! She will be a great addition to my dolly collection! Thanks again so much Linda, she is perfect in every way!!

Thanks so much for reading! - ggsdolls
Updated with outside pic above!!


  1. Oh this makes me so happy.. she looks perfect and as a matter of fact ..very happy.. much happier with you than with me! She's got a forever home now and she looks so cute!!!!!

    1. Linda, thank you dear so much. She is a fresh face and all the other dollies welcome her!! Thank you once again for making my anime dolly dreams come true!! hugs, gg
