
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Looking Closely at the Other Items that came in!!

 While I was in Washington State, I made sure to visit the local ToysRUs store, and while looking thru the isles filled with either Lalaloopsies, or Monster High dolls, at the register I saw these cute little animal pets you can put on a keychain! The octopus is the one that caught my eye, and I just had to have him...believe it or not, he was the only thing I bought in the store!!

 Little Octie just so cute, I had to get him for Tadie! He will be in more photos soon!

 A cute vintage Christmas Ornament bear made in Japan! I just couldn't resist getting him before I left. Now, I at least have the one! LOL

 Cute little vintage Japan elves on the right before, and left after. I wanted to try to make them into baby bunka dolls...they turned out okay^_~

Here's just a quick shot of my Baekdan in her new outfit by SweetPea! I love this style too!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. So you get the same old boring toys in ToysRUs too, huh? Figures.. You know, back in the day my mom and I would go to the department store, or the toy store, and toys would look *cute*,detailed, delicate and appealing. Now I don't know, it's all about flashy colours and all the toys look the same. -__-

    1. I agree with you. I used to come out of ToyRUs with a huge bag, nowadays, its just a tiny one-_-; I miss the good ole' days for sure!!
