
Friday, February 15, 2013

A Long Lost Purchase Arrives!

USPS has finally redeemed themselves and today, and I have cause to celebrate! First, a sweet buyer from my shop on etsy, messaged me to say that he received the long lost package from November! I was flabbergasted, I just wanted to scream! Knowing this gave me hope that a package I had never received back in December, may in fact be found and the 2 dollies inside will make it home to me??!...One can hope right?!

Then, I also received in the mail, a doll I had purchased a month ago from Peru! Yup, all the way over there. The seller thru the bay was so nice and always kept a constant contact with me, but I was about to be even more disappointed with USPS, and simply just stop buying online...Yeah, right!!LOL

But this little dolly made it safely home to me, and it gives me more hope that it can only get better!

 Above my unknown doll made in Japan. Both her head and body say 'made in Japan'. But I've seen the head before, on dolls that are called,"London Bob" holding cardboard guitars. This dolly however,
has a different body, with painted on red shoes.

 Not sure what else is known about this doll, but she's funny, and quirky. I like her big head and freckles! Probably a cheap dime store style doll or souvenir? Well, I am sure I will find out...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. So awesome that missing parcels do in fact sometimes turn up - gives us all hope for our own missing little people in transit! As for your doll, the body is quite unusual, but the face looks quite like the Herman Pecker dolls, which were made in Japan. Here are a couple for reference:

    1. Thanks dear Kat, I truly appreciate your info. and will check em' out^_~ hugs, gg
