
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Apple by Atomaru is here!!

Wow, my birthday gift to myself arrived so quickly!! I still watch for Atomaru's newest release on her lovely dolls...Even though as of late, I've been more focused on my doll rooms. Still, in late January when Atomaru announced the order time for international buyers on the 3rd release of her dolls, I couldn't help but make sure I got my order in!! Just before my vacation trip, I made sure I sent her my email and bought one of the lovely aram "Pine-apple" dolls!!

I decided on "Apple", since this time around I was only able to afford one of her lovely dolls-_-; Though, when my order went thru, I confused Atomaru, and she thought I wanted both girls...eek! I wish I could have, ugh...oh well. Still, I had to set the record straight and told her only "Apple". She must have worked on them earlier before the order period because, I was surprised when she emailed me back saying they'd be ready by mid-Feb.!!

In addition to my ordering Apple, I also, inquired last summer about her owl bag, and was able to buy one she had left over from a doll show!! I was so happy, cause I had always wanted one of them!!

When I left this morning to check the mail, I assumed I'd either have something come in for my doll rooms, or no mail at all. I wasn't expecting my Apple to arrive, especially since I had used the cheaper mailing service!? But no complaints here!!LOL

 The box above!! Even the mail clerk asked,"Oh, so you collect dolls?" I thought she knew that by now, since she'd been our mail clerk since, November...LOL! Oh well...I think she was secretly curious on how to order!

Inside, stickers, owl bag, and Apple! It was nice to have the English version of the tags, cause my other girls tags were all in Korean. Which was fine with me, only that I didn't know what it, I do!!

 She is so sweet with her bowed-legs, and bright yellow hair!! Her cheeks have such nice thick blush. My other girls are slowly losing theirs-_-;

 Of course I redressed her, and she now wears the owl bag too! I love her so much. Can't wait to do more pics on her! Especially outside shots, with her bright hair!

All my Aram Doran Doran dolls, Apple/left, Heukdan/center, and Baekdan/right. They are nicely displayed in my doll cabinet, so I can gaze upon them from time to time...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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