
Saturday, April 13, 2013

CB2's Ben Holiday House and more!

Finally, after ordering this lovely house thru CB2's website it finally arrived to me in the mail and I was so thrilled! Gosh, about a month or so, this baby finally came in!! But I can't complain since I was able to snatch it up for like, $19.99!! It was on sale and thanks goodness too! The original price was crazy expensive to me!!

 The lovely Ben Holiday House above. I wish I had purchased the other from the previous year! Even though the glue shows and the house is a bit sloppy from it. It is still a lovely piece and I can't wait to do some painting, etc. to it and add some tiny furniture too! It's so tiny and cool!!

 Yes, more pics of the living rm above and below. I decided to change the walls color and add a few touches to it!! I can never get enough of this play set!!

 Below, I was able to win a doll family set thru ebay! This lovely set, I am told is Marx family from the 60's. Very similar to my previous post about the Mcgroovies family here!

 In this family set, I love the dad, most. He looks so relaxed like the dad's of those days... Their coloring is not as hot pinkish as the Mcgroovies. But I like the natural coloring more that way! I will need to take a pic of them side by side to show more differences!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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