
Tuesday, September 24, 2013

2 Weeks of Just Getting Away...

Hafa Adai and Hello! I'm back from a 2 week vacation away from home! Here's what happened...

I left Guam on September 4th, traveling from Guam to Narita, Japan, San Francisco and into San Diego, CA. to visit my step-grandson! It was a long flight as always, but amazing along the way!

 In Narita, Japan for a 4 hour lay over. than its back onto the next leg of my flight into San Francisco, CA. Below is a photo I took while waiting for the next flight.
 The plane above, that I was to take from Japan into San Fran! Below, some gashapon machines! ohhh!
 My lunch from a nearby restaurant kiosk...Mmmm Yummy too!

I arrived into San Diego, Ca. by 3pm and was met by my step-daughter Kalani and my grandson Max! I stayed with them for about 7days enjoying Imperial Beach, Ca.!

 We went to a Friday Farmer's Market at the beach and it was nice and cool outside and fun!

 My grandson Max above and below with his Mom. It was bright and sunny that day!

 Gorgeous fresh flowers at the Farmer's Market on Fridays...
 By September 12th, it was time for me to leave, but this time I headed out to my Sister's place in Lacey, Wa.! Above, I took a different route and headed into Portland, Or. by way of this express jet into Seattle/Tacoma airport. Look below as I see the tippy top of Mt. Rainier!

 While at my Sister's place, I went shopping most of that weekend and then ate at some amazing places!

 Above, from IHOP an amazing red velvet cream cheese pancakes, to die for!! I even ate at Sushiegoround!
 Chicken katsu, mmmm! Below, Limeberry a yogurt place!

 More Sushigoround food below!!

 Then, of course I forgot to mention I ate at "Rally" burgers! Mmmm!

 I got bubble tea in Ube and tapioca flavored!

 But as all vacations go, it was time to head back home after about 11days in WA...below, me in Narita airport again, waiting to head home...
 Like the simple pleasures we enjoy, I must admit mine is being home with my family. I miss my loves so much, I couldn't wait to get back!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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