
Friday, October 18, 2013

Vintage Instant Dollhouse by Winthrop!

I came across a post by a friend's blog here, about a pop-up instant dollhouse! I fell in love with her dollhouse and the graphics on it. Mostly, because I was looking for background scenes to showcase some of my dollhouse furnishings I found thru Yahoo Japan. So far, this was one of the best houses with vintage style graphics. Sadly, I was not able to acquire the same instant dollhouse she had, but instead found the 4" dollhouse version and super cheap too via ebay!
 Above, the box for the Instant Play House. This version was made for 4" size dolls, like liddle kiddles, Pee-Wees, Trolls, Itsy-Bitsy dolls, etc. That makes sense since the graphics are more so child-like or for a child's room...
 The playhouse can easily folds and be stored away. Inside, there are 5 pieces of instant furniture! A tv, stove with sink, fridge, daybed, and chair.
 The back side of the house below, when opened.
 On the other side is a child's bedroom, playroom? You can place the daybed, TV, and chair in this room.
 another look at the same room...

 Below, similar to my friend's dollhouse, this house also has a kitchen, with the same style stove, sink, and fridge.
 Below, is the other room across from the kitchen. An ice cream bar and playroom. Definitely, made for smaller dolls and fun for baby-like dolls as well. Still lovely graphics in this house, but I decided to give it to Sara. I know she would enjoy this house more than I would.
Now, I can only hope to find the other?! LOL!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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