
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Our Christmas Tree and Goodies from YJA...

I was able to score a Lot of Candy Meteor Schmetterling custom heads!! Oh yeah!
 Above, a small packet from Japan! Includes, Konami "Butterfly" type action figure parts, Takara miniature Hot Springs 2 set, and Schmetterling custom parts set!!
 This set of Hot Springs has more zori's etc. to add to my 1/30 scale plastic dollhouse!
 This set was released by Konami in 2009, and can be found often. It comes with all the pieces to create the "Butterfly" character you see on the front. All you will need is a body...
 Above, what you get inside the box. I mostly, wanted the custom heads below in the Lot, as they are harder to find. But I am glad I have the butterfly set too, so I can interchange parts...
 OMG, the custom heads I won!! I couldn't wait to put them together, but better yet to see if the hair parts fit my girl!!??
 Above, as you can see there are three custom heads. R for Roberta, G for Gina, and B for Bianca. They are a singing group of six girls, I have 3 of them. I love this set most for the green haired gals I got!! Sadly, you need to have a body to place these heads on-_-;
 Instructions above and on assembly here. All in Japanese, but one can guess...LOL! I started to put the heads together the following morning. Painting them was hard for me, so I opted to using the eye decals, cut out the pupil part and used the eyelashes and eyebrows!! Which worked out really well, but the eyelashes ripped on me twice so I had to make due and try to set them back together. It actually worked out really well and you can't really see the mess up unless I take off the hair!
Above, all my Schmetterling girls, Butterfly, Bianca, Roberta, and Gina! I did paint the pupils in, as the site shows in white, and used putty to put the eyes, head and hair accessories together. I decided to use putty instead, because I didn't want them set permanently... I did try to put the hair on my braided gal, but these head parts do not fit unless I trim the plastic inside...ugh! Oh well, I guess I will have 4 extra heads to interchange doll personalities!?
My fave above is Gina! Below are pics of the heads on a bod...

I took out Pomock's body and placed Roberta on there for a simple scene above!

Gina posing with our tree!
My daughters and I put up the tree this past Saturday and Sunday...We took our time and made it simple this year!! Below, Tabytha arranged the little town! She was so creative this year!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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