
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mail! Finally!!

In a recent post, I was rambling on about how mail wasn't coming in on time!! Well, Finally, some items came in! I seriously, don't know what is up? I did receive some items that were ordered last week or so. But there are two other items, I ordered before these, that still haven't shown up-_-;

Gosh, anyhow! Here's what came in!!
 I preordered the Katatsu Rilakkuma set, and it came on time, a miniature violin, along with another Pico neemo "Boyish" fashion, and two Pure Neemo outfits, I'd been eyeballing for some time!!LOL

 When the items were restocked last week, I just couldn't help myself! The two dress fashions will go nicely with the M pure neemo bod I got some time ago!
 I received this item quite fast too! This very intricate miniature violin, is for Charlotte! I love the design, but the bow is kinda big or maybe just bulky looking to me?! Still Charlotte can play music for me...

 Charlotte tuning up...

Such fun! LOL!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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