
Monday, January 27, 2014

More Pico Neemo Tie Ribbons Arrive!!

Receiving mail has gotten really bad lately. Though, this past Christmas, I haven't had anything lost in the mail leaving me! Which has been quite a relief compared to the last two years-_-; It has only started to happen in early January. -_-;
Nowadays, mail is so slow that even first class packets are taking extra long to arrive!!?? Why? Who knows?! I still have some clothing items I've ordered thru Hobby Search that haven't even gotten to me as yet!!?

Anywho, I did finally receive this set of pattern ribbons that, mind you were purchased the same day as the first set of ribbons I got, but only arrived to me today! Ugh. Found thru etsy, these ribbons will make lovely ties for pico neemos!!
 Ohh, Four colors of the same pattern!
 Below, the ties I've made from the four ribbons I got. My fave is the black and red ones! They will look amazing on Charlotte in her boyish fashion! I might have them in the 'For Sale' page?! When I make another set?!!
 Then, also thru etsy, I found yet another color to my vintage plastic container collection. A blue one!! This one has a different floral motif, but at least I have one in yellow, green, and now, blue!!
 My collection of containers below. Now to find a pink one!!
 I can't forget to do another showcasing of Charlotte wearing a vintage orange a-line dress, owned by Sandy of Eldon toys. Charlotte fits it nicely!
 Then, I decided to try on the blue blazer... She looks so studious in it!
 Along with the ribbon mail, I did receive this miniature music stand and sheet music for Charlotte. Her character in "Quartett!" plays the violin, so I only thought it fitting to get one for her. Sadly, the violin is still sitting somewhere in a Postal truck taking more than four days to get to meh...Sheesh!

I can't wait to have her dressed and ready to perform for us!!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. Replies
    1. HI Hannah,

      Thanks dear! I need to upload the new one's that just came in! hugs, gg

  2. The ties look great, as does Charlotte in her awesome dress and blazer!

    1. Hi dear Heather,
      Thank you dear! I truly appreciate your lovely comments! hugs, gg
