
Saturday, January 11, 2014

My New Girl is Here!!

Oh my goodness! Charlotte has arrived! I've actually been browsing my fave shop online, for more of their pre-owned goodies and boy are they cheap!! I couldn't help but break down and get this girl for her head!! Yup, for her head and I am so glad I did!!

First off, a foreword...hehe. Charlotte Francia is actually a game character (I am finding out just now too, if you didn't already know her.) from Quartett! Read more here! I thought she was from a manga, and I didn't care, I just loved her for the unique way her face looked, and especially because she reminded me of a manga character from the early 90's!
 I only saw a thumbnail pic of her anime figure in the shop and immediately, clicked to see more of her!!
 A pic of her box above and below... Illustrated by Ashito Oyari
 How can one resist?! I paid less than $20 and she arrived safely to me today! I immediately, took her out of her box and worked on her head...
 Here she is below. It took some work to get her head to fit the peg and a bit of modifications, but I got it done. Now, I can interchange between Azusa and much fun!!
More pics of this girlie soon!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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