
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Very Busy These Days...

Oh my goodness, I'm so behind on my blog the past few days... You see, my sister in-law is in the hospital the past two weeks now. She gave birth a week ago, to my brother's first baby girl. He has 4 boys, and sadly, she ended up having an emergency surgery for a hole in her small intestine! To make a long story short, I'm taking care of thei new born baby girl, while Mommy is still at the hospital recovering, along with Daddy who doesn't want to leave her side!

I've forgotten the lack of sleep you get having a newborn in the house!!LOL

So, in the mail a few things came in that I got thru ebay and YJA that I've wanted to share with you, but couldn't do it right away!
 I've always admired vintage Matchbox/ Lesney dolls from afar and now, I finally got one. Thru ebay too and cheap! I also wanted to see if their outfits could fit an MMS!!
 A Mod little gal. I thought she'd have a bendy type bod, but she doesn't. In fact, you can fold her up and tuck her away for travel as shown on the back of the card above!! Cute!

Then, I finally caved and got myself a Unoa Quluts Light red head in PJs!! I used to own Unoa Quluts BJD's back in 2006! Believe it or not, and around that time I also got myself a Unoa Lite Azurite and Flourite when they first came out. I put the kit together and had all kinds of wigs, clothes etc. for them... but of course as time goes on, and my collective tastes changed, the tiny BJD's were sold off...

Fast forward to 2014, I've always admired the Sekiguchi versions of Unoa Lites! and now, I own one! Yippee!
 From YJA, this red head was just to delicious to pass up! Upon inspection. They are similar in a lot of ways to the original Unoa Lites, but they are taller and not BJD's instead vinyl versions. You can interchange their hands and feet only. Still she's just so cute and can fit some Momoko dolls shoes, fashions, etc.!
 Her box above and below...

 I just love her eyes, and her delicate mouth and teeth! She is able to fit some Azone fashions as well!

Hmmm, what to have her wear next!?
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. Oh goodness! That all sounds super stressful! I hope your sister-in-law recovers quickly and easily! <3
    Your Unoa is so pretty. She has a wonderful face! Those teeth! >w<

    1. Thank you dear! I hope so too! She does, I guess that's what attracted her to me...teeth!!LOL hugs, gg
