
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Today's Mail!!

I received a small packet via Japan today with some cute things to share...
 Mail day today, was small and sweet. I won thru Yahoo Japan a vintage plastic container in pink made in Japan, a cute Arrietty keychain, and a "Wake Up" Pink haired Momoko!!
 The cute Studio Ghibli "The Secret World of Arrietty" keychain is of cute Arrietty and a sugar cube, complete with ant!LOL
 Made to look childlike, this Arrietty is for Sara. I noticed the past few weeks Sara had been going around the house pretending she had a tiny Arrietty in her hand. So, why not give her one she could actually hold! She was tickled to finally have a real Arrietty in her hands to play around the house with!!
 This lovely, rather large, plastic container, I found while searching thru the retro vintage items on Yahoo Japan. I didn't think it would be so large and of course wanted it for my collection. I noticed many things different with this version...
 The lid has a different design as compared to my other containers and the floral design is unique as well. My other containers were made in China, and this one is made in Japan.
My container collection is about complete. I'm still debating on whether I want the pink one to be this large or wait til' I find a similar sized one like the others?

 I was very surprised to win this gal above/below, and cheap! I've been watching Momoko's via auction and they can go really high. But I guess because she was 'Used', no one in Japan wanted her?! Still she is a lovely doll and Tabytha's been wanting a Momoko for a long time now!!
 She even came with clear flats to wear! Tabytha already has her Momoko dressed and on display on top of her dresser!

...and of course I was having fun with Shiori!! So more spammage below...

 a scarf made from ribbon...

Then, I remembered I had this clear large heart pendant shown below and I wanted to see if Shiori could fit?! She did!!
 This kinda reminds me of a Volks 27cm doll, from the early 2000's. I vaguely remember something about them being in a heart shape case or clear case, when I used to own one...hmmm. I will have to do research to find out!!?

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. Shiori looks so cute in the heart!
    Congrats on your new arrivals!

    1. Hi dear AJ,
      Thank you so much! I was worried she wouldn't fit inside! I know Charlotte can't! LOL! hugs, gg

  2. You seriously get all the best loot! XD I love seeing your mail posts!!! That Momoko is a real cutie :) but I have to admit, I'm totally jealous of the Arietty keychain XD

    1. Hi dear Heather! LOL, thanks. I just try my best to find what I can afford these days...When I was teaching, I had more money to spend>_<; Do you own any Momokos? My daughter Tabytha wanted one for so long, so it was nice to find her a cheap one! Arrietty?! LOL, If I see another I will send you a link dear! hugs, gg

    2. No Momoko for me, lol... I've only admired them from afar! Yeah... finding good deals is key... I love seeing what you find though, and thank you so much for the Arietty link!!

    3. LOL, I know what you mean!! You are very welcome dear! hugs, gg

  3. Seeing the pink container gives me hope. My wife as a little girl in Okinawa had one the size of your greenish one, but pink with same flowers as your new one. I hope to find that one and surprise her! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Mr. S.

      No problem. I am sure you will find it. I know she will love it when you do! Many hugs, gg

  4. Hi :] What is your adorable toll that is inside of the plastic heart?

    1. HI A, She is called an Mult-Movable System figure by Konami. Hugs, gg
