
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Volks Who's That Girl? Fashions!

I decided to get some 27cm fashions thru Volks Japan website. To see if they'd fit Flourite? They were shipped quickly and arrived to me earlier the past week!
 I was able to snag these cute goodies and they were much more affordable then buying Momoko fashions! The fashions are for "Who's that Girl?", and the different Fashion Lines are called, "Natural Love", "Jasmine Doll" and "Chelsea Hearts".  I got a cute short coat, matching camisole top, plaid skirt, two hats, and mittens! Each were less than 1,000yen each!! Yes, Score!! But sadly, the skirt does not fit(Maybe Heukdan will fit it?), and the camisole top is a bit tight in chest fit. So, if you decide to get any of these goodies, make sure the tops are stretchy, and skirts too! Still the hats fit nicely, and are so much more affordable to get at 800yen or less!!

Then, I also ordered from TTYA on etsy, cute sweatpants in green below! I've always loved TTYA fashions, but was only braved enough to order these pants below to see how long it would take to get to me!!? About, 14 days or less, whew!

Flo in the sweatpants fashion and Volks hat. Top from Bratz boyz...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. What size were the TTYA pants you ordered? :)

    1. HI dear! They are Momoko size or 27cm. I'm sure they'd fit Pure Neemo M!!

  2. I miss that line of doll clothes so much. I think it was at around same time as Fashion Fever too. Those were the days (of playline dolls).

    1. So true! This playline, had so many cute things too! Hugs, Gigi
