
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dolly Stickers and Chii!!

Just another day here on Guam...It's been a lot hotter than usual since being back home -_-; This week started more rainy, so it can cool down the humidity here a bit, whew! I really miss the cool weather in Japan now!!

Below, I found some dolly sticker sets at our local 100yen Store this past weekend and forgot to mention them! There are 3 types, but I only got the 2 below. You are supposed to be able to dress and redress the dolls with the different accessories and extras. I got one for Sara and Taby too. Sara has already opened hers and played with her doll. They can restick but after a lot of use they can fall off...So, we'll see when I'm brave enough to open mine up!!??

Below, some shots of Chii on the grass mat...

 Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Staycation, Every Weekend!! Yippee!

Our second weekend at our Staycation condo!! Thanks to our dearest family friend, my Sista Leslie!!

We arrived there Friday evening, made dinner and spent the evening watching TV. It was a late nite and on Saturday, we did some window shopping at Kmart and got some groceries and a bathing suit, since I forgot mine...
 The girls and I were swimming most of the afternoon and it was overcast so the day was nice and chill. By 5pm we were ready to go to the Island Fair nearby, and took almost an hour just to find parking. We found a spot and walked the grounds for a bit. Sorry no photos, I forgot my ipad-_-; Still we enjoyed a bit of live music, barbeque, slushies and cotton candy!!
 By 8pm we decided we were done and it was time to go. We headed back to the condo for dinner and I made steamed rice, we bought some barbeque chicken shish kabobs and made broccoli! It was an awesome dinner for us all!!
 With our bellies full, we relaxed, played with these cool puzzles we got and it was another late night...
Our Staycation was awesome...Next weekend we won't be there, but the following we hope to be!! Hope you all had an awesome one as well!?

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Delicious Strawberry Cheese Cake KitKat!!

Since returning from Japan, I almost forgot to share that I had bought some Strawberry Cheese Cake KitKat!!
 The box is cute in the shape of Mt. Fuji and cherry blossoms along with the Tokyo Tower!! It was advertised everywhere while we were there!! I saw it at the 7/11 store, at the mall, at the train stations and even at the airport! So of course, I had to buy some and some to give family!! LOL
 So delicious, white chocolate with a hint of strawberry and cheese cake...Yum!! Very rich and decadent!!
 If you ever get a chance to try it, do so! Its simply perfect!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Monday, April 21, 2014

Yahoo Japan Goodies!

Oh goodness, my Yahoo Japan and AmiAmi items arrived while I was away, but only today was I able to pick them up from the PO!!LOL
 I preorderd the desk set above through AmiAmi, and they were finally released early in April. It includes two sets of desks in 1/12 scale. I also so these while in Akihabara! I was going to grab em' then I realized I had already preordered them-_-; LOL!
 The pieces are very easy to assemble and you probably won't need the directions at the back of the box. It also comes with cutouts to place on top of the desk.
 These desks remind me of desks we had at St. Francis School. I remember when we had moved into a temporary building. I was given middle school desks and chairs for my 4th grade class and these were the types I had! The kids used to put their feet on the side bars, and so would I!!
 Then, my Yahoo Japan winnings above...I was finally able to get the Hot Springs secret sets of the two types, and a Masaka Watanabe finger sponge well.
 I really wanted the secret sets, because of the ladies, as well as the tiny religious cement decor. It would be great to use in my Plastic Dollhouse! Now, that I am pretty much complete with finding items for the plastic dollhouse. I just need to set it up for updated photos with these cute miniatures!!
 This finger sponge well, is cute with Masako's artwork on the top. I will have this item for sale in my shop! First time I've seen this kind of item thru Yahoo Japan. Usually her works are on other things, like books, bags, etc.!
 Top, backside of the case. Below, the inside of the case. It might have been used for stamps also?!

Below, the desk set is very cute for Shiori and Charlotte! Just the right size too!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Back to Dolly and Toy Related Stuff!!

My husband was kind enough to check the mail for me while I was away and these are the items that came in!
 I found thru etsy these cute plastic 1/12 scale umbrellas! Can't wait to use them in a scene with Shiori or Charlotte!
 Thanks to dear Malfire from flickr, she helped me to obtain this cute wooden dollhouse for a doll, thru ebay!!
 It actually opens and can keep trinkets, etc. But I have other plans for it...

 Over the weekend, I took Shiori with me to our friend's Condo for a night and I tried on the cute shoes, I had swapped with dear Ava for!! A bit large on Shiori, it'll look cute on Charlotte for sure!!
 The shoes and all the swap goodies she sent me made it safely, even though there was a 3 inch long cut on the envelope. Surprisingly, nothing was missing!! Whew!
 I finally had a chance to try on the Heidi Ott shoes and glasses I got before I left! They are just too cute on Shiori!!

Below, by Sunday, I finished adding windows, wall paper, and flooring to the wooden dollhouse...
 Shiori wanted to play house!

I forgot that I also bought this cute tiny Monchichi from the airport before i left! She was such a cutie, I couldn't resist leaving without one!!

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Thursday, April 17, 2014

It All Went By So Fast!!

Gosh, just when we all were getting used to the train stations and finding our way around, it was time to go home-_-;

We all woke up early today and I ate my 7/11 bento dinner leftovers, while my Mother inlaw and Katherine went to breakfast downstairs. We were checked out by 8am. Tevin and his girlfriend had to leave for the airport since her flight was at 11am back to Guam. As for Judy, myself, Tabytha and Sara, we decided to take the train to Tokyo! Judy wanted to try to see the Emperor's gardens. We got to Tokyo station by 9am. While the girls and I sat at Mcdonald's, Judy took a scenic 5k walk around the grounds.
From the taxi a view of the park next to the Emperor's gardens. By 12pm we caught the Narita Express back to the airport.
On the express, Sara and Judy enjoying some pastries from the bakery they found at the train station...

We safely arrived at terminal 1, and immediately went to our gate. At gate 36 we could see this cute Hello Kitty Airplane! Only in Japan!! So Kawaii!
At gate 36, the TSA decided to do an exercise, they brought dogs, and lots of was interesting to watch!
Finally we boarded out flight by 5pm back to Guam!
さよなら日本/ Sayonara Nihon! It was definitely an adventure we will never forget!!
A spy shot by Tabytha, of the plane over Japan! Below another shot as the sun began to set...
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"Let's Lose Our Way Together."

Today, our adventure began with an early breakfast at our hotel in Shinagawa. We then took the shuttle bus into Shinagawa Station. Thanks to the travel agent that I booked our tickets with, he told me to take the Yamanote Line into Shinjuku, and then take the Chou Line into Mitaka.

We safely arrived into Mitaka a little after 10:05am! So, much for arriving there early! We found the waiting area for the Cat bus, purchased a round trip ticket for about 320yen each, and proceeded to get in.

 We finally arrived at Studio Ghibli at 10:20am. We were motioned to line up with groups of students and other tourists. It was amazing, even before we got into the building, you could see the beautiful metal cage from the scene in "Castle in the Sky", along with Totoro in the ticket booth!!

 How dreamy is this?! It was like being transported into one of Mr. Miyazaki-san's films!


 When we finally got to the ticket counter, we were given our film tickets and and brochures to the museum, and proceeded to walk down a flight of steps to the ground floor of the museum. It was very surreal, and the giddy-ness of it all was just too much excitement to bare! At the bottom of the steps we didn't know what to do first, so we followed others into a room filled with all kinds of gadgets, and cool things that little children could touch, feel and play with! It was amazing even for Sara!
 Spy shots Taby took, above and below!! You are not allowed to take photos inside the museum... Thus, the reason you don't see much of what is inside. You will have to experience it for yourselves...

 Once you were at the top floor you are able to walk up the steps to the garden in the sky and see the Robot from "Castle In The Sky", along with the cube key from the same movie!

 The path back to the Robot...

By Noon, we were hungry and decided to eat at the "Straw Hat Cafe". We were treated to a lovely lunch by Judy and tried different items on the menu!
 We all wanted to try out the Blue Sky Soda above and below...mmmm, it was Oishi!!

 My eldest child, Tevin above taking a sip!
 Tabytha and Katherine(My son's girlfriend).
 I ordered the porkchop sandwich on a soot sprite plate! So cute! Below, Taby ordered the egg salad sandwich on a Kiki plate...
 My mother inlaw had a soup dish with bread...
 and Katherine tried this Spaghetti in anchovies sauce dish!!
 I just love soot sprites, they are the cutest!!
A view below of the water pump similar to a scene in "My Neighbor Totoro"!
A look across to the entrance of the Museum...

 Below, we spied two cats from "The Cat Returns."!!
 Just before leaving the Museum at about 1pm. We went down stairs to the water pump to check it out!
It was a bit high for Sara to push the pump, but Tevin didn't mind helping her!
Above, the cute drain from the water pump. Hey, I spy my shoes!! LOL! After we left Studio Ghibli we decided the day was still young and took the Chou line into Akihabara, somehow we got a bit confused, but it was nice that if you take either Chou or Yamanote you can get to Akihabara. We arrived safely into Akihabara and went into the Shopping mall for all Otaku Lovers!
From the elevator of the 1st floor. This section is my husband dream section. All electronics and gadgets galore!!
 More gadgets... We finally made it to the 6th floor with all the anime figures, gatcha-gatcha, toys and games!! Yippee!
I spy a vintage reproduction of a roly poly doll!! So cute! Elena, this spy shot is for you dear!!
Taby and Sara playing with a piano they found. Sara loved it and wanted it, but I told her we couldn't carry something that large on the plane. Sorry... So, instead we found a lego area for her to play in! She sat there most of the time playing...
Sara ended up building a whole city of lego duplo's! Sadly, my feet could not handle the long walks and standing. I must have step onto my left ankle and popped it out of position, cuz I ended up sitting most of the time I was in this floor. I did try to bare the pain and walk with Taby to the figures section. We saw a lot of anime girl figures like figmas, revoltechs, nendoroids, etc. I even found the N scale section for trains, models etc.!
Right behind where Sara was playing was a whole section filled with gashapon machines! We even found rement, Licca, Sylvanian families, and sailor moon! But sadly, I could not find someone in the store who knew where to find Azone stuff!! Ugh! So, believe it or not, I left the store not buying anything!! I did tell myself, this whole trip was more so for Studio Ghibli, and that's all that mattered! Besides, now that I know how to use the train system a lot better and where to stay to access them, I can come back again by August or so and find the stores I've always dreamed of walking into!! Yippee! Definitely, on my next trip out here, I will go to Mandarake in Nakano, and back here to Akihabara!!
My purchases for the day!! Jiji for Sara, and small Jiji for me, two soot sprites, a movie ticket viewer for Taby, a cute duck from "Spirited Away" not shown for Taby, and lots of awesome memories from an amazing trip! Most of the tickets I held onto. Taby kept hers, so did Nana and Kat. I believe Taby got, a scene from "Spirited Away", Kat's was from "From up on Poppy Hill", and Nana's from "Ponyo". I have Sara's, "Ponyo", Tevin's, "From up on Poppy Hill", and mine, Which we believe to be "Princess Monanoke"?!! or maybe its from "Nausicaa"?
Using the viewer I got for Taby to see the ticket films!! So awesome!

This trip was well worth the money and all the walking and trying to catch trains, was exciting all on its on! I'm just happy that I was able to take my kids to a place we all dreamed of seeing, from our love of Mr. Miyazaki-san's films...It will be a story they will share with their children, my grandchildren and hopefully on...

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls