
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Staycation, Every Weekend!! Yippee!

Our second weekend at our Staycation condo!! Thanks to our dearest family friend, my Sista Leslie!!

We arrived there Friday evening, made dinner and spent the evening watching TV. It was a late nite and on Saturday, we did some window shopping at Kmart and got some groceries and a bathing suit, since I forgot mine...
 The girls and I were swimming most of the afternoon and it was overcast so the day was nice and chill. By 5pm we were ready to go to the Island Fair nearby, and took almost an hour just to find parking. We found a spot and walked the grounds for a bit. Sorry no photos, I forgot my ipad-_-; Still we enjoyed a bit of live music, barbeque, slushies and cotton candy!!
 By 8pm we decided we were done and it was time to go. We headed back to the condo for dinner and I made steamed rice, we bought some barbeque chicken shish kabobs and made broccoli! It was an awesome dinner for us all!!
 With our bellies full, we relaxed, played with these cool puzzles we got and it was another late night...
Our Staycation was awesome...Next weekend we won't be there, but the following we hope to be!! Hope you all had an awesome one as well!?

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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