
Friday, April 4, 2014

More Ara Wool Pets Arrive!!

Today's mail was plentiful!! LOL! I received some goodies that surprisingly arrived earlier than I thought!! Whoa!
 My ARA vintage wool pocket pets from a dear friends shop on etsy! Toypincher!! All the way from UK, that was lightning fast too!! When they came in he had them so nicely packaged and I didn't realize how big they actually were til' I opened the box! The calf is just too cute with her lil' bell, A penguin, and my fave the elephant!
 Toypincher even gave me a pin!! How sweet is he!?
 Above, one of the first ARA pets I got, a panda, was taken out of box to show you a size comparison. Sadly, I am learning there are two sizes!? The panda is quite small as compared to the penguin. I'm guessing the panda's size is more like 1/12 scale, and the penguin is more like 1/6 play scale or Barbie/Licca size. Still they are all so cute! I've decided to keep the monkey, and the panda and lion will go to my daughters. With the larger pets I will keep all three!! Maybe?
 I also, received these two cute guys I bought thru etsy as well. I was searching for modern miniatures via etsy and came across these two boys with jars...and noticed they look very similar to the girl holding a jar that I found last year, here, thru ebay!!? But I wasn't sure if they were the same til' they arrived to me!! I didn't see the "Hong Kong" mark like the girl has...hmmm?!
 Sure enough they are the same if not similar! Same eyes closed, holding a gold jar with a mod type look to them...Oh my goodness, now I have a set, a boy and girl set!! Yippee! They are so cute, and hopefully someday I will find out more about them!?

Below, I received an azone dress set for Shiori...can't wait to try it on her!!
 Then, I finally took some shots of the cute handmade straw hat below!!

 A lovely realistic looking hat...
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls


  1. You are killin' me with these little wool animals! They're SO cute! XD I love seeing your "finds" :)

    1. HI dear Heather! LOL, thank you so much. I hope you check out the etsy shop!! The seller still has quite a few!! I always enjoy reading your blog too dear heart! hugs!
