
Friday, May 23, 2014

Window Shopping...

For Today, it was a nice evening out...

We decided to head over to The Landmark and Glorietta Mall. As we walked along with thousands of other people, also off from work and school, and ready to enjoy an evening out and about the town. It was insanely busy!
From above, you can see the many people ready to shop and dine here in Makati.
Another shot above and below of the same intersection. I love the light here as the sun was going down. We had just come from Glorietta and ate at Sabarro's for dinner. With leftovers in hand, we decided to head back to our hotel and to Mercury Drugs for some things we needed for the next day!
On the way back to GreenBelt, a shop just at the entrance to the area from the overhead bridge that combines the two malls. I forgot the name of it?! But I finally, went inside, and it mostly lip balms and face powders, certain types of makeup. I wanted so bad to ask someone if any of the cute ballerina mannequins were for sale?!
The main window display. They have all these cute mannequin dolls inside the very small shop displayed amongst all the lip glosses and face powder makeup. The sales person asked me if I needed help and I kinda glanced around a bit confused and basically, looked quickly. Then, I told my husband let's go...He was a bit confused too. But, there were just to many people in such a tiny space, I started to feel claustrophobic... and walked out!
I will have to come back to this shop and ask when its not so crazy busy... If I recall I might've taken a shot of this display last year? I'd have to go back and check...hmmm?! So far, things are good, it will be a long weekend, with no physical therapy til Wednesday...I guess we will be watching a lot of movies in the hotel room! LOL

Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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