
Monday, June 2, 2014

Finally, Going Home!!

It has been an experience being here in Manila, but I'm  ready to go home!! We were supposed to leave by Saturday Night, but sadly, and maybe it was a good thing, our flight was cancelled due to mechanical problems with the plane. Whew, I would not want to be up in the air if something were to go wrong, that's for sure!

So, we headed back to our hotel and luckily, there was still room. We ended up in the 9th floor! Our flight won't be til' Monday night...ugh! So, to make due, we just did more window shopping around Glorietta and Greenbelt.
While we got some Chai tea from Chai Time, I had my husband buy these yummy macaroons from a shop next door to Chai Time. At 150 pesos for 6 pieces, one cannot complain!
 Oh my goodness, the assortment was delicious! I just wish I could've gotten more!!

I also have been reading, "The Fault in Our Stars." book while here in Manila. I wanted to finish reading the book before the movie came out, and for Taby to read it as well. I won't give any spoilers, but it is a lovely story if you haven't read it!? Now, I can't wait to see the film!
While just killing time in the hotel room, I watched anime and took Shiori out to play with...
Having her kept me sane while here!
I'll be so happy to be back home...Time to get ready for the flight! Good bye Manila and Hafa Adai, Guam!!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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