
Monday, July 7, 2014

Safely in WA!

Sara and I made safely to WA. It was an early morning flight. So, I guess after the 4th of July event people were too drunk to catch an early morning flight... Good for us though! Lol

As soon as we got in, I told my sister we should just go shopping! Our fave sisterly bonding time... It was a blast. By the time we got home we were so exhausted Sara and I fell asleep immediately!

Then, on Sunday my dad wanted to take us to "Old Country Buffet", it was delicious! Here's my fortunes below!

One can dream right!? Haha...

At the mall, we went yo Hot Topic, and Sara got herself the character, Steve from World of Mindcraft!

I also found these at the Dollar Tree! For some reason we islanders love us some red velvet anything! 
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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