
Saturday, September 20, 2014


I didn't get a chance to post about these items that also came in from the other day!

I got this large display case for a project... Can't wait to share with you more soon!

Then, I received this lovely mermaid anime figure thru ebay! It's hard to find anywhere else, sadly! So, she also arrived safely to me from Japan!
"Shining Wind" Houmei mermaid figure, just gorgeous! The nice feature about this one is that you can take off her hair accessories and just make her simple! Need to do some beach shots with this one!!

I also got this rement set for the tiny cases! I have the same yellow/clear plastic case and pill case in human size, from our local 100yen store!!
Then, some wooden open books through etsy, for a project I'm working on!! More on this one soon too!
Finally, I was able to open up the plastic holder for the eraser, because I saw something dark inside, and sure enough it was a tiny bell!! The original owner wanted to hear bells ringing while she was erasing, cute!
Thanks for reading! - ggsdolls

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