
Sunday, April 19, 2015

Looky What's Bloomin' in the Yard!

A NON Dolly or Toy Related Post!! I just had to share some amazing things that are blooming in our yard this Spring! Even with the heat on Guam already taking its toll... It's always a pleasure to see what can grow!? Plants owned by my mother in-law, Judy.
 This very octopus looking alien flower is called, a "Carrion Plant". A cactus plant that has a flower bloom that is supposed to smell like 'rotting flesh' to attract insects to help it pollinate! Wild!
 It actually didn't smell of anything, but I wasn't about to bend down to sniff either!! Quite unique, I must say! LOL

We also had lovely purples and reds in the yard too!

A view from the top of the hill down to the Lemai trees below!

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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