
Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Some Items for Meh!

These items came in Monday...

 I received another set of Nanoblocks Cottage version purchased thru ebay. I mostly wanted it for the Nanoids! It will be fun to create a different house with these blocks! More on them later on...

Then, I also won this vintage Laura Knickerbocker doll for less than $5! I have an idea of what I want to do with her?! So more info. later!

Then, I finally worked on cleaning the head I received. The back says 'made in Taiwan'.
 Very cute sweet face below!

While playing with the boys, I noticed that Wataru fits the scale of this Nendoroid playset well! Here are some shots of the two men in the playset...

Back to school for the girls and a regular week for me...
Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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