
Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I'm Going on an Adventure: Part Three

We woke up about 8am, feeling very tired and our feet hurt from all the walking the day before. But Sam and I felt it was the best investment ever! We packed our bags and visited the shops downstairs in the lobby for some souvenirs. Then, checked out of our hotel and started making our way to the Bus depot, then the Disney Resort Line by 11am. All of it was pretty quick and then onto our reserved seats on the Narita Express.

 Some vids I took as we left Tokyo and headed to Narita International Airport...

 After about 1 hour and 30mins. We arrived at Terminal 1 to get our boarding passes for our flight. We decided to eat first before heading into TSA and Customs. Taby found some cheap converse tennis shoes. Afterwards, we decided to just head into our gate. The line moved fairly quickly and we made it to our gate by 3:45pm. We boarded our flight at about 5:05pm and made it into Guam about 10:30pm. It was an amazing adventure! Definitely worth it all to see the girls enjoy, especially Sara!

The skirt I bought Taby above and below. Rapunzel theme, many of the ladies and girls at the park wore them!
Sara below with her Mr. Potato Head container!
He was worth the $19 with Popcorn, and reusable too!
In the end, Sam felt the trip is worth doing again! So, maybe next year we will try Disney Sea!??
Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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