
Saturday, May 9, 2015

To a Book Launch We Go!

Today, we went to a dear friend of my mother in-law's Book Launch called, "Color Me Guam" by Thomas & Taliea Strohmeyer. More information on the book here! It was really nice, with hands on activities, and a walk through of the historic sites nearby! Sara loved it most! The coloring book showcases some of the historic sites on Guam, that you can go to see and then hear audio here, to help you understand the history of the place that you are in! It's an amazing way to learn more about Guam, our Culture and History!
 Taliea the author of the book above, talking to the audience that gathered.

 Sara enjoyed coloring her book! A great to the start of our weekend!

The cover below!
Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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