
Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Working on Upcoming Otaku Event on Guam!

Sorry I haven't been posting much! But, I have a good reason... It's because I've been working hard to get some goodies made before the upcoming event here on Guam called, "Epixcon" to be held on August 1st, a one day event, at Agana Shopping Center!

I've been watching the local Otaku groups here on Guam and slowly but surely they are becoming more up to date with the happenings, similar to that of the Stateside version of Comicon! So, I decided to secure a table for the Epixcon, and will be showcasing my vintage goods as well as selling some handmade items there! I'm very excited and hope all goes well?! For my first event!!
 Above, progress of my work...I decided to make some "Dust Bunny" necklaces with "Konpeito" treats! See the cute dust bunnies below...
Here's the finished necklace below! Now, you can have your very own dust bunny as a pet, and treats to feed it!
 I'm hoping they will be adopted?!
 Then, I also made some miniature book necklaces of some popular manga's!
 and books!
I also, binge shopped at Amiami for some goodies to pass onto buyers at the event!
 Wish I could keep the plates above, these guys are so handsome!!
 And other popular goodies too!

Then, in the midst of all of the hubbub, I was able to find this amazing vintage High Fashion Lina for a commission! She is wearing a silver suit fashion, I have only seen in ads for her! It is not featured in her booklet either!

 Just to gorgeous! She will need cleaning, but her suit is lovely, and her red top too!

I'm also waiting for some boxes from Japan to arrive for the shop! More soon!

Thanks so much for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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