
Saturday, August 1, 2015

Epixcon Happenings...

Oh my goodness, I am still amazed by the show of support for the Otaku community on my little island of Guam! The Epixcon event was amazing! Here are some photos, sorry blurry one's too from the event!
 My little booth! Yes, that's meh! LOL
 I just wanted to see how I would do at an event like this. Here on Guam, not too many vintage doll collectors... But, definitely a large group of anime lovers!
 Other awesome booths for gamers and anime lovers!!

There was even an "Artist Alley", amazing talented people making creations for the love of anime!!

 There, were gaming stations through out Agana Shopping Center, centercourt, and game booths!
 Cosplayers all around!

Even Kawaii dressed girls! I loved her outfit!!
 Even families came in cosplay! It was awesome to see!

Almost all of my Soot Sprite necklaces were adopted! And many of the anime figures too! I may think about attending more local Otaku events in the future?! Thank you to all who came out to show support for my shop! You guys are awesome! It was a very blessing experience for me!

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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