
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Lots of Mail Today! Part Two!!

Okay, I did say I would write more about these items from Yesterday...

The KumuKumu Laputa pendant below, when you open the box the packaging holds all these pieces to create the pendant. It can be a bit tricky, but very easy to put together!
Below left, the front of the pendant, and the backside. There is even a hole thru the top so you can put some thread or rope through, if you want to wear the pendant as a necklace, you can!
 Lovely design and so much fun for kids of all ages! I loved "Laputa: Castle in the Sky" this is an amazing treasure to have.

Kumukumu Totoro in an acorn... This puzzle took a bit more time. There are more pieces and some parts needed to be put together first before others can be put in place. I would say a bit more difficult for a young child, but in the end, Totoro is just too cute for words!
 After completion: the backside below left and the front.

 I even took him outside for a few shots...

I also opened up all the Rose of Versailles charms and below are the styles included!
 Here are some examples. Some will be added to my collection, others will be added to the shop soon!
 Lady Oscar on the left, looking more Lady-like, and Fersen on the right. Below, Andre, and Andre and Lady Oscar embracing.

I also wanted to show a squeaker I won in a Lot of Squeakers from ebay below. Her paint was all but rubbed off on her face. I tried to find any information online about painting squeakers or rubber toys, but nothing unless it was an action figure. So, I decided to use my previous knowledge of painting resin dolls and below the end result!
 Above before, and below, after painting. I prepped the area with Mr. Clear Matte, then used acrylic paints, and sealed again with Mr. Clear.
Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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