
Thursday, November 19, 2015

My First Gatcha Crate IS IN!!!

Oh my Gosh! I went to do talk to the Lady that delivers the slips to my PO and she had a slip for me today?! I was a bit confused and wasn't sure what it was for, but the slip said, I had two boxes to pick up today! So, since I had to take Taby to the Ortho, I stopped by the PO and picked up the boxes, to my surprise it was from Gatcha Crate!!  I was a bit confused, because they sent a letter saying they would mail out our Gacha Crates by November 15th... But instead they shipped since November 11th. No matter, I got them! (November Release, 2015.)

Rewind a bit... You see, I recently decided to subscribe to Oyatsu or Japanese snacks subscription, which is basically, a random variety of snacks that will be shipped to you monthly from Japan. Snacks from Japan, you say? Ohh, why not? So, I subscribed. The night after I subscribed, I had an idea to do Gashapon toy set as a box set and that is why you see the listing of my Gacha box sets in my shop... The idea woke me up at 3am! I decided to do an online search to see if anyone else had already done it... Sure enough there was a website already! Darn!  Gacha Crate! Sigh... But, it was okay, I could still sell some of the extra box sets I have, as my version of Gashapon... Fast forward to the present... I did end up subscribing to Gacha Crate for one month, just to see if I would like someone else choosing the type of gashapon toys that I might find... It's actually a bit pricey, when you know you can spend just 200 to 500yen a Gashapon toy in Japan!

The box opening... I will show you most of the Kawaii Crate box that I opened.
 The Gacha Crate box is smaller than I expected, but they did say only 5 to 6 toys inside. Sometimes they will add extra things, like Japanese snacks or candies. I subscribed to both style of boxes for this month, Kawaii and Kakkoii meaning Cute and Cool. Further info. is on the website.
 I would like to consider myself more into cute stuff, but sometimes the cool stuff has some cute things in it too?! Inside, they use felt material to keep the Gacha's safe. The box included 5 gachas this time two cards, one with info, and one an ad, lastly, a box of Morinaga strawberry choco. More below.

 It's really nice that they create an information card of what each blind toy gacha is about and what you can expect... This helps us understand better what the item is about, and not just guessing from the booklets each toy comes with.
 The yummy Morinaga Strawberry Choco-Balls with Rice Puffs! A nice addition!

My first, Gashapon, that I didn't take from a machine myself! LOL
Doraemon Series:
 I wanted to open Doraemon first, he is my fave and his head is the Gacha container! Kawaii desu! Inside, are his body parts to create this large figure when you place the Gacha back on its body!

The second one, was from Toy Story, your very own miniature Buzz Lightyear Gashapon vending machine! Awesome and so cute. I let Sara have a go at putting this baby together, of course, she loved it and kept it for herself! Ha!
Toy Story Mini Capsule Machine Series:

 We even had to put tiny stickers onto the toy that goes inside the tiny Gacha balls!
 Definitely kawaii for sure!

A snout toy?! How is this Kawaii? 'Only on Japan', as we say, 'Only on Guam', here! Haha. Yup, a sticker soft spongey pig snout to stick onto your cell phone or notebook!
Animal Nose Series:
 Maybe if I had gotten the dog or cat snout, I'd be okay with it?!

This cute tiny Gacha ball, I am keeping just because its so tiny! Inside, is a lovely Maid anime girl. Very Kawaii, and a cell charm too! Nice!
 Maid Cafe Collection Series:

Lastly, a cute roly poly boy!! I thought Taby might like him and let her open and keep him, she did! You can try to knock him down, but he keeps bouncing back up! Fun!
 Haikyuu!! Tumbler Doll Series:

All the Kawaii cuties for this month below:
Though it was truly fun and exciting to open each of the Gacha's, I must admit, having someone else choose from what vending machines I want to get a blind toy from, may not be for everyone. Especially, if you are picky like me! Ha! But, if you love all the goodies no matter what, and you can't get to a toy vending machine in Japan anytime soon, then Gacha Crate is for you!

A quick look at the Kakkoii box below:
 Included 5 items as well, and the Choco-ball candy too! I decided not to open all the Gacha's as a few will become Christmas gifts... ssshhhh^_~

Listing of the Kakkoii toys below:  Yup, that's a tempura bug key chain!
 Still, the two, that caught my eye below...
Persona4 Mascot Series:

and the cute squid looking key chain below!
Splatoon Squid Mascot Series:

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Oh my gosh! There's a Pokemon Ghost series of gatchas? I need to get an entire set, I love them. <3 I love the idea of random box things coming in, but a lot of the random things in stuff like Loot Crate are kind of junky. I wish there were boxes where you could customize the random things with just series I liked. XD

    1. Hi Pandy,

      Amazing right! I totally agree with you dear, customizing the boxes would be awesome! Many hugs, gg
