
Thursday, November 12, 2015

Re-Stringing My Little Baby Doll and More!

I took Cricket's advice and checked out Rita's tutorial on how to re-string a celluloid doll, here! Just in case you would like to try it out. Her instructions were very easy to follow.

I just had to be brave enough, to cut the original elastic cord. I did, and started to re-string him below.

Tools & material: Scissors, thin wire, one pin, thin elastic cord.

 I could not get some of the old cords out of the limbs. Sadly, all I could do was push it further in, in order for me to make room to put the new cord... (tweezers shown above were not used.) I had some leftover elastic cord from, when I used to own Tiny Secret Fairy abjd's and Unoa-Lite dolls. Luckily, I kept a roll. I had a thin hook style wire, I made to string my beaded necklaces. It definitely came in handy when I had to feed the elastic cord through, to the other side of the body.
The hardest part was feeding the knotted piece into the tiny holes in the leg and arms. I had to take a break between, because I ended up with a headache. I was trying to be very careful not to make the hole bigger, and sadly, one of the legs started to come apart at the seams... ugh! So, I told myself, "Time for a break!", and glued the leg. I did use the pin to carefully push the knot through, into the hole of the limb.

One done above, whew! Took a bit of coaxing... Below, I did the arms first, since the other leg was still setting. Not too bad.
After that, he was done! Now, he sits nicely upright. Such a cutie. I am very happy he turned out alright. Thanks Cricket and Rita too!

When, I took a break, I drove up to the mail box and look what came in! I Binned this amazing Tadie Muz booklet through ebay France. The seller had two for sale.
 I asked the seller to just send it in an envelope, crazy I know. But, I knew it would get to me faster!

 The booklet is in excellent condition for its age.
 I have already scanned it. If anybody is interested in getting a copy? Email me.

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Aww, good job on the re-stringing! Things having to be done on such a tiny scale gives me a headache too, but glad you got this cutie done!

    1. Thank you dear Amy! I totally agree with you. Sometimes you have to step away from the project or you'd go bunkers! LOL much love, gg

  2. OH, the house! That is so cute!

    1. HI dear Ronda, thank you too dear! It is, now if only we could find the deluxe house!! LOL One can dream, right?! many hugs for your lovely thoughts dear, gg
