
Thursday, December 17, 2015

A Song Dedicated to The Love of My Life...

I rarely like to show pics of myself, only because I feel its not about me, and I want my friends to focus on, what I love to do... Collecting.

But, recently a song I heard on the radio(video below), made me think of someone very special to me... My soulmate, my husband, the man who still stands by me in more ways then I can ever realize. The irony is that we dated back in High School! Believe it or not?! But, I wasn't ready to be serious at 17years old. So, let him go.

He fell in love, got married, and had a baby girl. Where as, I did the same, got engaged, had a baby boy and moved off-island. Years later... He was divorced and I moved back to Guam with my son, and single. He was always close to my brother's and still came around my family. Then, one day we found each other, talking again and...

Fast forward to the present, the point is we found each other again. Fell in love and have two beautiful daughters, our two older children are adults and on their own. Taby's in High School and Sara's in Elementary, not to forget to mention, we have a grandchild. It's been an amazing journey and I can only hope many more memories to come... This song Asaguahu/my love, is for you, for us, and always...
The song is by Nathan Sykes, "Over and Over Again." For all of you, still in love, after all these years. Thanks for reading a bit, into my personal life. ~ ggsdolls


  1. Wonderful story! I love the song, too. The video brought tears to my eyes. Thank-you for sharing it and your story. :)
    My husband and dated and then were apart. Four years later, when I got out of the Air Force, we got together again, and have been together now for more than two decades. We feel very blessed to have gotten a second chance.

    1. Hi Sweet Ronda, Awe, you're making blush dear. Thank you so much to for reading and enjoying my story and the music, and sharing your story with me! Yay, for second chances dear! Love, Live and continue to be positive! much love, gg

  2. So sweet. <3 My husband and me have been married for 25 years. Soon to be 26. We married very young (I was 17!) I can't even imagine what my life would be like without him. Most times, men are such blessings....LOL Glad you found your 'forever after' :)

    1. Hi dearest Amy <3
      Awe, that is amazing dear! I can only hope to catch up to you^_~ Thank you and blessings to you also dear friend. many hugs, gg
