
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Thursday's Mail!

Here's what came in...

 I was able to find another Starsha figure and even a Badge/Pin! Both thru ebay... I'm keeping one mint in package and modding the other and possibly putting her on a body? We'll see, if that's possible. More by clicking below!

 The seller was so nice he even added an Esmeralda key chain and a pink dresses Maetel or is it a clone Esmeralda? The booklet on the right of other figures released with the head bust.
 The Starsha badge above, is removable from its casing. So cute... She will be added to my other badges and pin collection too.
 Backside above, and below the booklet. Notice all pics from the anime TV series!

 I was able to order these two "Wolf Children" figures from Amiami. They came in very quickly too.

I took them outside for a photo shoot!
 Yuki: Look Ame, its an ant!
Ame: Uh, I don't think we should mess with it Yuki?
 Yuki: I'm gonna squish it!
 Yuki: Hey, what over there?!
 Yuki: Ohhh, a tree to climb Ame! Come with me?
Ame: No, no we shouldn't Yuki.
 Yuki: I bet you can't do this Ame?
Ame: Where's Mommy?
 Ame: Why am I at the edge Yuki?
Yuki: Cuz, I'm a pirate, and you have to walk the plank!
 Ame: I want Mommy...
Yuki: Stop being such a baby Ame!
Ame: I want Mommy, Yuki...
Yuki: Ugh!
(To be continued...)

It was a lot of fun to take some shots of the figures outside. They are just too cute and the price via Amiami was very nice too I must admit. Now, onto the rest of the goods!

 This cutie pie is my very first ceramic dolly. I've been falling in love via IG with some fellow friends amazing ceramic collections of vintage deers, sheeps, bears, etc. But, I can only afford to get small things these days... So, when I saw this one via Yahoo Japan and for cheap, I had to get her!
 Lovely vintage ceramic mascot girl with closed eyes. She is only wearing a polka dot bottoms, and a basket behind her? I've seen these types with hair, mainly in ginger, but as elves or sitting elves... Anyone know more about these cuties?

I also had my friend order me some Swimmer products below... More Blink Bear Mirrors! Yay!
 Style set #2 above. I will only keep two and sell the bottoms ones. So if you are interested, I've also updated my For Sale page above, just click on it!
 Above, I also placed my first mirror, the blue with yellow bow. They are just too cute for words!
 These two will be available, check my For Sale page!!
 I also bought this cute Bunny and Bear floor mat! So, retro. Reminds me of all the cute things you can find from SWIMMER even back then... ahhhh!

 Lastly from SWIMMER, I also order two more mini tables below. The cutest ever, Doggy in a gift box below!!

 And my favorite of the two, Cute Retro Animal Star mini table!! How much cuteness can one take.... OMG!
 I believe this one matches the floor mat! Maybe one day when I have a separate room built for my collection, I will put the floor mat in it and these cute things too!

Lastly, Cupuo no Star Wars!! LOL, I didn't even know they released these guys?! But, they did and I found them thru ebay! The seller sent them superfast. So, I will have a few to let go. Sadly, only one R2D2-_-; He's my fave. Of course Sara and Taby have already claimed a Darth Vader... 
Thank you so much for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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