
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Why I Collect?

I recently read a relative of my husband's post on fb, of her thoughts on collectors being hoarders, was basically, the gist! Naturally, I was a bit miffed. But, an after thought came... and I guess for some, if not, most who are non-collectors, may not know the reasons behind those who do collect.

Some choose to be ignorant and use simple explanations as to why people would collect one thing or another. It's actually quite dumbfounded, that people think they are not collectors?

Ergo, what about those who collect recipes from their Grandma and family members, favorite book reads, quotes or Legos for their children, is that not a type of collection? We don't hoard either, most sell their collections in time. If you'd like to read more, here is a link that can help you gain a bit of knowledge on the issue.

So, just a bit of a "Booyah!" so to speak, to this particular relative, and those who think they don't collect something or another or understand why others do? Here's my gist below!

Thank you very much for listening to my rant on this. ~ ggsdolls


  1. I know someone, who is really very nice, but her entire house is totally stark. There are no knick-knacks, photos, paintings, decorative pillows, rugs, etc. It's less "warm" and "homey" than a motel room. She hates clutter, and I doubt she collects anything. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but I'm sure she thinks I'm a hoarder! ;) I couldn't live without color and fun things, and cute things, and definitely sentimental things, but I guess it's just a personality thing. I would never post something on my FB page knowing that someone I know would see it and obviously be offended or hurt. Your experience would bother me if it happened to me. Rant away! I'm sure all of the people who follow will understand.

    1. Hi Anonymous, thank you so much for your thoughts here. I truly appreciate it, and I totally agree with you. This relative, sadly, feels threaten by me for some odd reason, and chooses to take any opportunity to try and belittle me or make what I do or my children do seem insignificant. So, I generally deal with it, smile, and show as much kindness back at her. I know what is true and right. Much love dear and sending you warms hugs from Guam, gg

  2. Sadly, I have a relative who is the same way. I don't understand why people feel the need to be hurtful, especially within a family! I have been dealing with it for more than two decades, and I finally decided I just couldn't have that negativity in my life anymore. I have forgiven her, but I don't have her in my life anymore. It was so freeing to finally decide that I don't owe her anything. On the rare occasions we come in contact at a family occasion (we live far apart), if she says 'hello', I say 'hello', and that's it. It took me a long time to do it, but I swear I remember each and every mean thing she said to me or about me. It's not like I tried to carry all that around, but it was so hurtful that it's just stuck in my head. I don't dwell on it, but it's enough to remind me that I made the only decision I could. We were good friends until I married her brother, and then she hated me, even though I never did anything to her. Remind yourself that there are tons of people who love the same things that you love, and enjoy sharing the hobby with you. Focus on your own family and ignore the extended family member as much as possible. It's not worth the stress! And it's clear from your blog that you love and enjoy your family very much. :)

    1. HI Anonymous, thank you also for your encouraging words and your story as well. I truly appreciate it very much. I totally agree with you. Sending you warm hugs and much love, gg

  3. To your Why I collect insert... Hear hear... As they say in England in the House of Commons and in the House of Lords...

    1. Hi Dear Yse', thank you too dear friend! much love always, gg

  4. Thanks! Hugs to you. :)
