
Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Newly Acquired Goods!!

It's been a great year to start, and a few newly found goodies arrived to me over the weekend and Today! A great birthday that's for sure!

This vintage "Nancy Plays Nurse" children's book, has lovely illustrations. One of the reasons I decided to get it. From ebay for my collection.

 Reminds me of the times when I was little and played nurse to take care of my dollies...

A set of five Campus notebooks Star Wars themed, via Amiami. At $9 for the set, you can't go wrong. Sadly, the notebooks are thin, so the girls can't really use them as composition books in school. Still they decided to use them for journals or as a diary of sorts. 

 The R2D2 notebook is a fave, which Taby claimed right away. I most especially love the artwork on the back side, below...
Remember this scene above?!

Lastly, I received a lot of 3 lovely rubber dolls I bought thru IG from a new friend, Wakarimasen/ Giulia! I saw that she was letting go a few dolls she had in her collection, and it was really nice of her to tag me in the photo too. She needed my help as far as pricing the dolls she had. Little did she realize I fell in love with the one's she posted! So, I made my offer and she allowed me to adopt them! Yay!
 They are an early bday gift to myself, and they arrived just in time too! Inside, two rubber boy and girl dolls in similar style, though one is missing legs, I still wanted him, and a cute girl squeak toy.

She even added a few gifts on the right! So sweet!
 Below, the cute Hawaiian key chain dolly in a box. A tiny version of those cry baby rubber dolls you see often.
 First, the cute squeak girl toy. She looks very similar to many of the IWAI Japan rubber toys we see. So cute and quite unique I must say. Her arms are out stretched, as if she is going to take off. But I love the big blue bow on her head most!
 She still squeaks too!
She will be a part of my growing rubber toys collection... below.

Now, onto these amazing rubber dollies! Okay, here is my take, they are both girls and in 1970s styles or late 1960s. I've seen the girl in yellow before last year in May. She was up for auction via Yahoo Japan and sadly, I didn't win her.

My new girls, each is quite unique for their style. Both have similar hand poses with the exception of the right hands. They both don't have their original stands, but are gorgeous anyways.
(Auction photo below, not mine, from Yahoo Japan.) This doll was dressed in brown, and with her stand. The seller noted he wasn't sure whether she was for an advertisement or Mascot for a company? Not much else other than explaining that she was mint. A nice variation from the dolly I now own above.
Just a few more pics of the Dark haired gal. They both have lovely faces, their arms are movable and shoes, but nothing else.
What I did find out from the markings below, is that they're made by "IWAI & Co. Ltd." just like most of the rubber dolls, squeak toys that we find. She has the year too, 1972, "made in Japan."
Just like my Mannequin dolls or Adorn Dolls, there is a metal weight and bar that is placed into the left leg and then screwed onto the stand. From the left foot you can see the metal bar still visible.

This gal above, is my favorite of the two. I love that her hat is in red and her mod late 60s style fashion is in yellow. They may have been just rubber display dolls for a girls room. I wonder what other styles there were? Girls with long blonde hair maybe, in a mod floral dress?

I will share more as I try to find legs for this one above and touch up the paint on them too! I am so thankful that Giulia, let me know of these amazing treasures! She made, a recent dolly find, dream come true for me, and then some! Thank you Giulia!

Thank you for reading! ~ ggsdolls

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