
Thursday, February 18, 2016

Oyatsu February Box is in & More!!

Delicious Japanese snacks are in for February!! Yay! I've been patiently waiting for this one...

For some reason this month, I just kept thinking about the box and what was going to come in?! Now, that its here, I can't wait to try all the goodies!

 First, what looks like a large rice crispy treat! Crisp Choco - Maple! I'm saving this for last, or maybe it will be first?!!

 Kabaya Pure Strawberry Gummy on the left, and Kamen Rider Chips - Salty Sweet Potato on the right! I love strawberries, and I know Sara will want to try this first! The Kamen Chips looks interesting and it comes with a collectible sticker too! Whoa!

 Left: Dagashi Sauce Senbei, interesting. I've seen wafers before but to put a sweet sauce on it?! Genji Pie on the right, I've tried before, quite yummy actually!

 Meigum Oekaki Sherbert, interesting!
 Kikori No Kirikabu, looks a lot like a minecraft thing? Still anything with chocolate and cookies, can't wait!
 Koikey Scon - Sourcream Onion on the left. Meiji Choco Banana candy, and JOO C - Shortcake! Ohh, can't wait to try the JOO C, I've tried the Banana candy, and they are yummy! But Shortcake in a disc candy?! Unheard of?!!

 This months gachapon above, Dragon Ball Z key chain figure! Not sure what series has Goku or Gohan with pink hair? I know Taby will want this or Tevin!! LOL

I also received this cutie from an online shop!
 He's a cute character flower bank expo 90'? I think. That's what the listing said. Still he's cute and will be a great addition to my flower and kiddie toy collection.

 I was in shock to find this cutie below!! I've seen her up for auction thru Yahoo Japan before and she commanded a lot of moolah even without a box?! But, I found her thru online shop for so much less?! I thought someone would have snatched her up... So I did!

Cleaning her and I will show more of her later on...

 Uploaded a comparison photo of Kukuclara, Dream Floral G and Doran Doran...
Someone had requested a pic. Here you go, dear Wakarimasen!

Thanks for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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