
Saturday, March 19, 2016

New Retro Camper!

There were a few friends via flickr and IG that shared a cute 6" doll camper sold only at Target... I did some research and found that it was available for sale thru! Awesome, I placed an order and received it last week or so!

 The box that arrive was actually larger then the box that held the camper itself! But the postal lady was so sweet and called me to pick it up when it came in! Yay! I took awhile to actually open the box, almost a week since receiving it.

I've been so busy with some current projects. So, I finally opened up the box and took the camper out above and below. The camper itself is made by Our Generation Lori dolls which are about 6 inches tall. So, a camper like this will be nice for small 1/12 scale dolls or figures. It will be a lot of fun for outdoor scenes too!

 Inside, the table is movable, and each of the cabinets can open. The oven opens and drawers too. Very nicely made. The light above the stove turns on as well! Wow! I will show this camper later on, when I am able to take some photos outside...

 Booklet above and below. The two sleep areas are cute and come with blankets and pillows too.
 More on the camper later...

I quickly wanted to share this cute vintage tartan storage box, that came in today. I was able to get it thru Yahoo Japan and will add it to my shop!

 Great to hold keepsakes, photos, dolls, and other special things. Like a lock box for special things.
Though it doesn't have a lock to it, it can still keep things safely stored and in a stylish way too.

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. I just saw this last week at Target and went nuts. I have a birthday coming up, and my husband was with me. Maybe he'll remember it. :) Congrats on getting it.

    1. Hi Dear Ronda,
      Awesome! I hope he gets it for you too dear! It is awesome. I can't wait to do more with it, and the price is so nice too! many hugs and thank you for your lovely thoughts too dear, gg

  2. Oh, that's really cool! But I have to ask: who's driving? Lori and her friends don't look old enough. :D

    1. LOL, thank you dear! I totally agree, they don't. That's why mine will be driven by a couple around 40ish. LOL many hugs dear, gg
