
Monday, March 28, 2016

My SOLDOUT Pin Club Pin, is Here!!

Oh my goodness!! It was an awesome mail day today!!

A dear friend via IG showcased her lovely February Release pin from the PINCLUB in the UK here! Basically, you can subscribe to the monthly pins or badges that get released. I only learned about them in that moment, and wish I had known about them sooner... Oh well. When she shared the February's release, I was like Whoa, wow!!! I literally just about died. Now, if only I could get my hands on one?
 So, I searched every where I thought, I could possibly find one online. But, sadly, nothing, even the website sold out since February. Noooo!

So, a week later, I decided to ask my friend. She said, she got hers thru etsy... I found the shop and asked my question? Sure enough after a day or so, I was told that they did sell out, but they hold onto just one, in case someone's purchase gets lost in the mail during transit. I was told if I could wait, but that there was no guarantee, that I would get one... So I waited with my fingers crossed, and literally, just trying to be positive, and hopeful.

After, what seemed like forever... (Technically about a week.) I wrote the seller again and asked. She was just about to convo me, she said. She had the one left, and that I was very lucky!! I was so thrilled, beyond happy. She made the custom listing, and I quickly bought it... The February pin arrived to me safely today, about 12 days later!
 You don't realize just how happy, I am to have gotten this cute/kawaii pin!! Basically, it's a tiny replica of Rune Naito's ceramic mermaid designed by "Whimsical Boy"!
 (Photo below not mine. Just for reference of the ceramic Rune Naito mermaids.)
 My pin below...
 I am just in awe of it, and so beautifully made too. I love that he added a bow to her hair, so reminiscent of the 1960s style. Gorgeous! It is definitely a nice addition to my ever growing badge/pin collection below.

The other pins are vintage. I may have to subscribe to the PINCLUB myself? For future designs!!

Thanks for reading! ~ ggsdolls


  1. Wow, these are cuuute!!! My mom is huge on collecting pins / brooches, I might have to give this subscription some thought~! Looove your collection so far *0*

    1. Hi Dear Gala, thank you so much, and also for sharing your thoughts. I agree your Mom might love it?! Many hugs, gg
