
Saturday, April 2, 2016

And The Winner Is...

Thank you to all of you who participated in my March 2016 Blog Giveaway! I truly appreciate you taking time to stop by and comment here and on my Wordpress!
My process of finding a winner...

 I also took video...

 And the winner is...
I will contact you soon and get your mailing addy to send you the prize! I truly appreciate it! Until next year or maybe sooner?! We will have another amazing ggsdolls blog giveaway!

 Congrats to Strawberry Doll! I will be in touch with you soon!
Thank you all for participating! ~ many hugs, gg


  1. OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!! *FLAILS ENTHUSIASTICALLY* I've never won anything, you just made me sososo happy!!! I cry so much!!! I'm on mobile since I'm moving today... where can I shoot you an e-mail? You're the real doll, Gigi (;*△*;)

    1. Hi Dear SD! Congrats dear! You are very welcome<3 Now, just email me at ggsdolls at gmail dot com. Oh, since you are moving, give me your new mailing address dear! LOL Thank you again so much for participating and reading my blog too! Much love and hope to see you again on my next giveaway?! gg
