
Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day...

It was an amazing Mother's Day weekend! I received some cuties Saturday that I just have to share with you!

I was able to snag this vintage ceramic cat set via an online Japan shop! Now, I finally own one of these cuties. Someday, I will get a bunny version!

 Often seen owned by many of my collector friends via IG! They are so cute. A lovely addition to my small ceramic collection...

 Then, I also found this amazing Baby Bunka doll and carriage through Yahoo Japan. 
 The baby doll and carriage look too minty to be vintage? So, it may have been recently made? I went back to the listing, and it says it was made by "Rattlings". Made with pipe cleaners and the face is cloth material.

 The carriage is too cute and also come with a pose dolly print futon inside. I have been wanting to get myself one of these tiny cuties for the longest time... Sadly, they go for really high prices, and now that I've seen it in person, they are so worth it!
It is so small and adorable! I can't wait to use it in a miniature dolly scene... more soon!

 My Mother's Day gift, a fruit bouquet! Yum!

Thank you for looking! ~ ggsdolls

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